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fzzyhmstrs edited this page Sep 25, 2024 · 14 revisions

Fzzy Config provides an extensive suite of Annotations for spicing up a config. All Fzzy Config annotations are documented over at the official documentation as well as explained here:

Annotation Documentation

Annotations in Fzzy Config are split into two broad categories; Toml Annotations for flavoring and commenting the .toml files themselves, and Config Annotations for adding functionality to the configs themselves in various ways. The Toml Annotations won't be covered here, you can read their documentation at the link above, and the original documentation at the TomlKt Docs

Config Annotations

Augment the functionality of your configs with these annotations. The currently available list of annotations is:

  • @ClientModifiable - Fields marked with this will be editable by clients regardless of permission level
  • @WithPerms - Defines the permission level needed for clients to edit server settings marked with this
  • @WithCustomPerms and @AdminLevel - Defines permission levels in a LuckPerms/Forge Permissions API style, with string-based "nodes"; optionally falling back to vanilla permission level.
  • @NonSync - Defines a field as client-only. Editable regardless of perms, and won't sync to/from servers
  • @Version - Sets the version of a config class, used for version-managed updates
  • @RequiresRestart - (Deprecated as of 0.4.0) Fields or classes marked with this will prompt a user restart after syncing
  • @RequiresAction - (As of 0.4.0) This will note that the user will need to take a particular action if they change the affected setting. Applies to fields and classes.
  • @ConvertFrom - Specifies an old config file from a previous lib to scrape and convert into a Fzzy Config toml
  • @IgnoreVisibility - Classes marked with this annotation can have fields/properties with lower visibility than public
  • @Translation - Defines a custom lang file prefix for a setting or whole class of settings
  • Toml Annotations - A series of annotations for decorating and modifying config .toml files directly.


@ClientModifiable is for use on synced settings. It marks that any user, regardless of permission or operator status, can edit the setting and push updates to the server and other clients. Use this annotation with caution!

// kotlin
var myUnImportantSetting = false
// java
public boolean myUnImportantSetting = false;


@WithPerms sets a special permission requirement for a setting. All configs have a overall required permission level, this individually modifies the perms of one setting. The overall perms can also be changed for a config. By default they are permission level 2 (gamemaster).

// kotlin
// changing the permission levels of an entire config
class MyConfig: Config(Identifier.of("my_id")) {
    override fun defaultPermLevel(): Int {
        return 4 // default is 2, this sets the default perm level to 4 (owner)

    @WithPerms(2) // this field is ok to be perm level 2 still, specially set it
    var mySpecialField = 2
// java
// changing the permission levels of an entire config
public class MyConfig extends Config {
    //constructor goes here
    public int defaultPermLevel() {
        return 4; // default is 2, this sets the default perm level to 4 (owner)

    @WithPerms(opLevel = 2) // this field is ok to be perm level 2 still, specially set it
    public int mySpecialField = 2;

WithCustomPerms and AdminLevel

Introduced as of 0.4.0.

These two annotations work together as a pair to define permissions for a config based on LuckPerms/Forge Config API "node" style permissions. Permissions attached to a specific setting will take precedence over ones defined for the entire class.

  1. @WithCustomPerms - Use this like @WithPerms to define permissions for a setting or class. Define all of the node strings that are permissible; generally speaking only the lowest level of a "chain" of nodes would be needed, admin wouldn't need to be called out if it inherits everything from mod, and mod is permissible in the annotation. Optionally a vanilla permission level can be provided as a fallback (in case LuckPerms isn't present, for example).
  2. @AdminLevel - In case of an access violation (a cheater, hacks, etc), this annotation defines who should be alerted to the issue; using the example from above, only admins might be included in this annotation, not mods. If not provided, Fzzy Config will fallback to anyone with vanilla admin access or higher (permission level >= 3)
// kotlin
@AdminAccess(["permissions_example.admin"], 3) // defines the permission nodes that are alerted of an access violation; falls back to vanilla admin or higher
class MyConfig: Config(Identifier.of("my_id")) {
    @WithCustomPerms(["permissions_example.moderator", "permissions_example.temporary_admin"], 3) // permission nodes that have access to this setting (along with any inheriting nodes). Falls back to anyone with vanilla admin access or higher.
    var mySpecialField = 2
// java
@AdminAccess(perms = {"permissions_example.admin"}, fallback = 3) // defines the permission nodes that are alerted of an access violation; falls back to vanilla admin or higher
public class MyConfig extends Config {
    //constructor goes here
    @WithCustomPerms(perms = {"permissions_example.moderator", "permissions_example.temporary_admin"}, fallback = 3) // permission nodes that have access to this setting (along with any inheriting nodes). Falls back to anyone with vanilla admin access or higher.
    public int mySpecialField = 2;


@NonSync excludes a field from server-client synchronization, and by extension removes and permission requirements (as the setting can't affect the server anyways). This is primarily useful for client-only settings. Before using this annotation, consider if you can have an entire client-sided config separate from any synced configs. See New Configs - Config Registration for details.

// java
var myNonSyncedField = 5
// java
public int myNonSyncedField = 5;


@Version marks a config class with a version integer. This can be used for simple record-keeping, of course, or used to handle potentially breaking updates in a meaningful manner. The version is marked at the top of the .toml file (0 by default) and the serialized version is compared against an annotated version integer, if any. If a mismatch is detected, the configs update() method is called for mismatch handling.

// kotlin
class MyConfig: Config(Identifier("my_id")) {
    override fun update(deserializedVersion: Int) {
        if (deserializedVersion < 1) {
            //do stuff to fix potential issues.
// java
@Version(version = 1)
public class MyConfig extends Config {
    //constructor goes here
    public void update(int deserializedVersion) {
        if (deserializedVersion < 1) {
            //do stuff to fix potential issues.


Deprecated as of 0.4.0. Use @RequiresAction instead (see below)

@RequiresRestart indicates that a marked field (or every field within a marked class) will need the client and/or server restarted in order for changes to take effect. If the user makes a change that requires a restart, they will be prompted in the chat menu, and a server log message will be printed. If a client joins to a server and the client finds that there are @RequiresRestart fields that don't match to the servers incoming config synchronization, they will be disconnected and prompted to either restart or go back to the main menu.

// kotlin
var myItemDurability = 250 // something like item durability would require a restart, as durabilities are immutable once an item is instantiated.
// java
public int myItemDurability = 250; // something like item durability would require a restart, as durabilities are immutable once an item is instantiated.

The screen show to clients if they joined with un-synced configs with differences that require a restart. Configs have been synced by this time, so when they restart and rejoin, the screen will not appear again.



Introduced as of 0.4.0.

@RequiresAction indicates that the user will need to take a certain action if a marked field (or any field in a marked class) is changed, in order for the change to take full effect. The actions available are prioritized based on their Enum ordinal, so you can annotate a class with a certain action, but upgrade particular settings with a separate annotation of higher priority.

The available actions, from highest to lowest priority

  1. RESTART: Same action as @RequiresRestart. Will prompt the user after a change that a restart is needed, and will disconnect clients joining a server with a synced RESTART change, prompting that they restart their client after the sync to apply the changes.
  2. RELOG: Prompts the user that they need to disconnect and reconnect to their current world or server for changes to take effect.
  3. RELOAD_BOTH: Prompts the user that both datapacks and assets need to be reloaded.
  4. RELOAD_DATA: Prompts the user that datapacks need to be reloaded.
  5. RELOAD_RESOURCES: Prompts the user that resource packs need to be reloaded.
// kotlin
var myItemDurability = 250 // something like item durability would require a restart, as durabilities are immutable once an item is instantiated.

var guiTheme = Identifier.of(MOD_ID, "default_theme") // some sort of reloadable theme selector, that needs to reload resources to apply the new theme.
// java
@RequiresAction(action = Action.RESTART)
public int myItemDurability = 250; // something like item durability would require a restart, as durabilities are immutable once an item is instantiated.

@RequiresAction(action = Action.RELOAD_RESOURCES)
public Identifier guiTheme = Identifier.of(MOD_ID, "default_theme"); // some sort of reloadable theme selector, that needs to reload resources to apply the new theme.

If Action.RESTART is used, a connecting client will be presented with the same restart screen as shown above in @RequiresRestart


@ConvertFrom provides the deserializer with the path and file name to a pre-existing config file from an old config library. The deserializer will do its best to scrape still-relevant data from the old file, and then discard it.

Supported file types:

  • .toml
  • .json
  • .json5
  • .jsonc

The below examples will read an old file ./minecraft/config/example/config.json and attempt to scrape as much relevant data from it as possible by converting it to TOML first and then using that converted file as input to the deserializer.

// kotlin
@ConvertFrom("config.json", "example")
class ConfigImpl: Config(Identifier.of("example", "config")) {
    //config stuff go here
// java
@ConvertFrom(fileName = "config.json", folder = "example")
public class ConfigImpl extends Config {
    public ConfigImpl {
        super(new Identifier.of("example", "config"));
    //config stuff go here


@IgnoreVisiblity tells the serializer that it should not ignore non-public fields. It will attempt to access widen private, protected, etc. fields and properties while performing de/serialization. This is useful if you want to make a config in a typical Java style, with private fields that have getters and setters as needed.

NOTE: this can also be used on a ConfigSection, or a class wrapped by a ValidatedAny, to enable the class type to be less-than-public.

// kotlin
class ConfigImpl: Config(Identifier.of("example", "config")) {
    private var myPrivateProperty = 0

    private class SecretBit {...}

    // this ValidatedAny will work, thanks to the IgnoreVisibility on the SecretBit class. Otherwise the class would have to be public.
    // note that the IgnoreVisiblity of the SecretBit is not responsible for the mySecretBit visibiltity; that is handled by the ConfigImpl annotation
    private var mySecretBit = ValidatedAny(SecretBit())
// java
public class ConfigImpl extends Config {
    public ConfigImpl {
        super(new Identifier("example", "config"));

    private int myPrivateField = 0;

    private static class SecretBit {...}

    // this ValidatedAny will work, thanks to the IgnoreVisibility on the SecretBit class. Otherwise the class would have to be public.
    // note that the IgnoreVisiblity of the SecretBit is not responsible for the mySecretBit visibiltity; that is handled by the ConfigImpl annotation
    private ValidatedAny<SecretBit> mySecretBit = new ValidatedAny(new SecretBit());


@Translation overrides the default translation mechanism as defined in Translation, allowing you to set a custom lang key prefix. You can also define this annotation for an entire config class, and then use @Translation to negate the override on settings within that class that still need their default translation behavior.

This annotation will provide both a name translation for the entry, and a hovered tooltip description, depending on the lang provided. If lang isn't found, Fzzy Config will fall back to the default translation mechanisms.

This annotation is very useful for "repeating units" of config. A ValidatedAny object, in particular, that is repeated but the setting names are the same for each instance.

  • prefix: Set the prefix of your lang key. The field name of the field(s) or property(s) will be appended to this prefix. my.prefix.[fieldName] and my.prefix.[fieldName].desc
  • negate: Use this to turn off class-wide Translation for a specific setting that needs the default translation mechanisms.
// kotlin
@Translation("example.prefix") //every setting within this class, for every instance of the class, will use this lang prefix
class RepeatingUnit(): Walkable {
    constructor(thing1: Int, thing2: Float, thing3: TagKey<Item>): this() {
        this.thing1 = thing1
        this.thing2 = thing2

    var thing1: Boolean = true
    @Translation(negate = true) //thing2 needs a custom lang per usage, depending on the specific use for it. Skips the prefix override.
    var thing2: Float = 3f
    var thing3 = ValidatedTagKey(ItemTags.TRIMMABLE_ARMOR)

// the lang for this will look like
"example.prefix.thing1": "Thing 1 Name"
"my_mod.my_config.unitName.thing2": "Custom Per-Instance Name"
"example.prefix.thing3": "Thing 3 Name"
// java
@Translation(prefix = "example.prefix") //every setting within this class, for every instance of the class, will use this lang prefix
class RepeatingUnit implements Walkable {
    public RepeatingUnit(){}

    public RepeatingUnit(int thing1, float thing2, TagKey<Item> thing3) {
        this.thing1 = thing1;
        this.thing2 = thing2;

    public boolean thing1 = true;
    @Translation(negate = true) //thing2 needs a custom lang per usage, depending on the specific use for it. Skips the prefix override.
    public float thing2 = 3f;
    public ValidatedTagKey<Item> thing3 = new ValidatedTagKey(ItemTags.TRIMMABLE_ARMOR);

// the lang for this will look like
"example.prefix.thing1": "Thing 1 Name"
"my_mod.my_config.unitName.thing2": "Custom Per-Instance Name"
"example.prefix.thing3": "Thing 3 Name"

Toml Annotations

TomlKt, the library that Fzzy Config's serializer is built off of, provides a series of annotations for decorating the .toml output files.

  • @Comment / @TomlComment - Adds a comment to the output file. Also, if no description translation is provided, Fzzy Config will use this comment in the in-game tooltip.
  • @Inline / @TomlInline - Forces the annotated list or map to be single-line in the output file.
  • @BlockArray / @TomlBlockArray - Modifies the encoding process of corresponding array-like property, either to force array of table to be encoded as block array, or to change how many items should be encoded per line
  • @MultilineString / @TomlMultilineString - Marks that the string property is multiline
  • @LiteralString / @TomlLiteralString - Marks the annotated string property as a literal in the output file. This means it will have single quotes 'C:\Users\<User>\.m2\repositories' and escaping won't be performed by the parser.
  • @Integer / @TomlInteger - Defines the visual format of a integer-like numeric property (byte, short, int, long).
    • Base.Bin - binary 0b11010100
    • Base.Oct - octal 0o81244
    • Base.Dec - standard decimal form.
    • Base.Hex - hexidecimel 0xFF342B6A