Experimenting with the info available from Every Noise at Once. All data collected from https://everynoise.com.
Create a python virtual environment and install all requirements for running the scripts bellow from the requirements.txt file.
- random_genre.py
Get a random genre from Every Noise at Once and provide Spotify preview playlist link.\ - random_genre_intro.py
Get a random genre from Every Noise at Once and provide a link to an introduction to the genre as a Spotify playlist .\
To run:
- Change directory to random_genre/;
- Run desired file, making sure that the csv file with genres has been created;
- Find new genres to listen to.
Get a General, Current, Emerging or Underground Needle playlist from a random country and provide Spotify playlist link.
To run:
- Change directory to needle_playlists/;
- Run needle_playlists.py, making sure that the csv file with the Needle playlists has been created;
- Find the latest trends by country.
Generate the csv file from time to time to ensure it is up to date.