The architecture of this Neural SPARQL Machine is inspired by the one prensented in this paper :
<Generator input>
question : What is the ISSF ID of Kim Rhode?
sparql_query : SELECT DISCTINCT ?answer WHERE { wd:Q233759 wdt:P2730 ?answer}
<Generator output w/o relations learning>
question : what is the issf id of kim rhode
sparql_query : select distinct var1 where bkt_open wd_qxxx wdt_pxxx var1 bkt_close
<Generator output w/ relations learning>
question : what is the issf id of kim rhode
sparql_query : select distinct var1 where bkt_open wd_qxxx wdt_p2730 var1 bkt_close
- LC-QuAD2.0 dataset : Results on test set after 100 epochs of training
Without rel learning | Accuracy | BLEU |
Transformer | 89.3 | 81.6 |
BiLSTM w/ attention | 61.5 | 19.9 |
With rel learning | Accuracy | BLEU |
Transformer | 86.6 | 78.2 |