A CLI around robherley/guesslang-go
As with robherley/guesslang-go
, you will
need to install libtensorflow
On macOS, using Hombrew :
brew install libtensorflow
On linux:
Due to the tensoflow C API dependency, you will need to enable CGO and if necessary, add the includes and link flags:
CGO_CFLAGS="-I$(brew --prefix)/include"
CGO_LDFLAGS="-L$(brew --prefix)/lib"
The usual go build
and/or go install
commands will do.
Unlike the original python yoeo/guesslang
this CLI only supports reading input from stdin
Therefore, the only way to use it is as so:
echo "SELECT * FROM Users LIMIT 10;" | guesslang-go-cli
# Outputs "sql" to stdout