Create the relevant mapFile nodes and other nodes to connect an existing PBR texture set on disk.
- Open the .py file and at the top change the path to your custom texture library folder. Below this you can also add your own custom suffixes for the textures.
- Add a shelf item in clarisse and point to this script. Use the given png to dress up the button.
The "features" of the script..
- It will create the reorder nodes if the texture set is an ARM set.
- Set if the textures should use triplanar projections.
- Creates, renames and organizes the mapFiles, utility nodes in proper contexts.
- Change existing texture sets as well!
The "Bugs" of the script
- You have to click and select an item from both shader and material lists. Even though the list may show a selection you already want. Otherwise it doesnt capture the selected value.
- If you select an already existing shader with textures attached whcih were NOT created with this script, it will probably not work.