This program adds, displays, updates, searches and deletes records as per user preference.
InfoTech company is a distributer company of Hindustan liver ltd. Company doing business of goods selling and purchase in the market. So, business point of view record should be maintaining in a proper way. Company want to develop a software program which will take care of following functionality which will help to transact the business in a systematic way. So, some of the major functionality is given which you have to complete.
- Add Goods
- Display Goods
- Update Goods.
- Search Goods.
- Delete Goods.
- Exit
Enter choice:1 Enter goods id:1001 Enter goods name: Laptop Enter price of goods: 25000 Enter quantity of goods:1 Total Price of goods: 25000
Enter new records (Y/N): N
Enter choice:3 Enter goods id:1001 Enter new quantity of goods:4
Enter new records(Y/N):N
Enter choice:2 1001 Laptop 25000 4 100000
Note: File handling has been used to record the information (rate, quantity, name and code) of the added goods. You can search the goods by rate, code or quantity. And, similar goes for display; you can display the items by quantity, rate or code.
The Program in this repo does exactly as asked with some minor improved quality of choice garnered by us.