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Security: garretwilson/slf4j-fork


Reporting security issues

Please report security issues related to the SLF4J project to the following email address:


Verifying contents

All SLF4J project artifacts published on Maven central are signed. For each artifact, there is an associated signature file with the .asc suffix.

After 2022-08-08

To verify the signature use this public key. Here is its fingerprint:

pub   nistp521 2022-08-08 [SC]
uid   Ceki Gulcu <[email protected]>
sub   nistp521 2022-08-08 [E]

A copy of this key is stored on the keyserver. To add it to your public key ring use the following command:

> FINGER_PRINT=60200AC4AE761F1614D6C46766D68DAA073BE985
> gpg  --keyserver hkps:// --recv-keys $FINGER_PRINT

Before 2022-08-08

To verify the signature use this public key. Here is its fingerprint:

pub   2048R/A511E325 2012-04-26
Key fingerprint = 475F 3B8E 59E6 E63A A780  6748 2C7B 12F2 A511 E325
uid   Ceki Gulcu <[email protected]>
sub   2048R/7FBFA159 2012-04-26

A copy of this key is stored on the keyserver. To add it to your public key ring use the following command:

> FINGER_PRINT=475F3B8E59E6E63AA78067482C7B12F2A511E325
> gpg  --keyserver hkps:// --recv-keys $FINGER_PRINT

Preventing commit history overwrite

In order to prevent loss of commit history, developers of the project are highly encouraged to deny branch deletions or history overwrites by invoking the following two commands on their local copy of the repository.

git config receive.denyDelete true
git config receive.denyNonFastForwards true

There aren’t any published security advisories