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Tathya Fullstack Ecommerce App v2

A basic ecommerce app but, with a lot of hope 😅

Tech Stack Used (PERN Stack)

  • React
  • TailwindCSS
  • Node
  • ExpressJS
  • PostgreSQL
  • Prisma ORM


1. Token Authentication in a SPA App : Recommendation

2. How To Validate a JWT Token

3. Mutation in React Query

4. Separate API Layers in react

5. Error Handling in Express

6. Uploadthing working as a wrapper for S3: Illustration

[7.How to push Docker Postgres image with persistent data?] (

8. Flat list to Nested Tree

Developing feature by feature from backend to frontend (Also, product flow or, say, user story.)

Customer end:

  1. Authentication with JWT
  • User register with required credentials and, get redirected to login page. Once the login is done, than the user is redirected to home page to browse products and, product details.
  • Roles based authentication.
  1. Products with filter and, search.
  • User are alllowed to CRUD Products.
  • In products, user can use filter and, search using categories, prices and, sizes filters.
  • For better UX, lazy loading and, optimistic rendering is needed. + Product detail layout with filters
  1. Cart and, orders
  • Users browse through products and, add items to the cart. User can actively choose the products to add to cart from the products listing and, through product description. User can remove or, add product so as the quantity of the products.
Out of scope for now.
  • We can implement newsletter such as if the cart is stale for a while using a timer which awares to take action which varies but, optmistic to make users engage more in the website by giving discounts and, making stuffs more lucrative.
  • We can add recommendation engines to recommend the products using our products stats and, categorizing users on the basis of the buying behaviour.
  • We can purposefully implement a blockchain based review system to review the products while user being annonymous to have a blueprint of how product performed over years. And, to which we can have a more open community of users who discussed to improve the products and, create a healthy environment.
  • We can use the payment integration and, package detection methods to improvise users experience.x

Employers end

  1. Product management
  2. Order managment
  • Admin can view all the orders and, can use filter to look through the products as the recent one, or, through status such as pending, success and, so on.
  1. Dashboard

Just JWT stuff

How JWT is implemented

DB Design

ER Diagram


  1. Cart Problem Cart should retrieve from API and store in react context. And the context should update add to cart function and update cart in the backend and in the frontend over other component. As we used react-query to fetch the cart, the cart needs to get updated in each add to cart function call as cart data is updated. We already had the react query provided to all the component.