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Gempath is a tool for analyzing gem dependencies in your Ruby projects. It helps you understand:

  • What gems depend on other gems
  • The exact versions being used
  • All the dependency paths that lead to a particular gem
  • Where each gem comes from (, git, local path)


git clone
cd gempath
gem build gempath.gemspec
gem install *.gem


The following sections show quick-start usage. For more detaile information including tutorials and design decisions, see docs/

gempath help

Gempath provides a command-line interface with built-in help:

# Show all available commands and options
gempath help

# Show detailed help for the analyze command
gempath help analyze
# or
gempath analyze --help

gempath analyze

Basic usage assumes you're running this from within a project that has a valid Gemfile.lock:

# Analyze all gems in current directory's Gemfile.lock
gempath analyze

# Analyze a specific gem
gempath analyze --name base64  # or -n for short

# Analyze a gem in a specific Gemfile.lock
gempath analyze --filepath /path/to/Gemfile.lock --name rails  # or -f for short

For example, run the following from the root of the repository:

➜  gempath git:(add_full_gem) gempath analyze --name facter --filepath spec/fixtures/sample.lock
  "facter": {
    "name": "facter",
    "version": "4.11.0",
    "dependencies": {
      "hocon": "~> 1.3",
      "thor": ">= 1.0.1, < 1.3"
    "source": {
      "type": "rubygems",
      "remotes": [
    "consumer_paths": [
      "bolt -> puppet -> facter",
      "puppet -> facter",
      "puppet_litmus -> bolt -> puppet -> facter"
    "direct_consumers": [
➜  gempath git:(add_full_gem) ✗ 

gempath generate

# Generate a minimal Gemfile for a specific gem
gempath generate --name thor

# Generate a Gemfile with a specific Ruby version
gempath generate --name thor --ruby-version 3.2.0

# Generate from a specific Gemfile.lock
gempath generate --name thor --filepath /path/to/Gemfile.lock

The generate command creates a clean, organized Gemfile that:

  • Groups gems by their source (, custom sources, git, path)
  • Maintains proper version constraints
  • Follows Bundler's conventions for source blocks

For example, run the following command from the root of the repository:

  gempath git:(add_full_gem)  gempath generate --name facter --filepath spec/fixtures/sample.lock 
source ''

source '' do
  gem 'facter', '4.11.0'

source '' do
  gem 'hocon', '~> 1.3'
  gem 'thor', '>= 1.0.1, < 1.3'
  gempath git:(add_full_gem) 

This is particularly useful when you need to:

  • Troubleshoot issues with a specific gem
  • Set up an isolated test environment
  • Work on a gem without interference from other dependencies
  • Understand gem sources and their organization

Understanding the Output

  • dependencies: Lists all gems that this gem directly depends on, including their versions
  • direct_consumers: Shows which gems directly use this gem as a dependency
  • consumer_paths: Shows all the dependency paths that lead to this gem, helping you understand why it's in your project
  • source: Indicates where the gem comes from (, a git repository, or a local path)


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


Analyze Gemfile.lock dependencies







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