Backwards compatibility that Lat can only dream of :heh:
// KJSPKG compat layer adds a function that acts like the old onEvent
// If used on Legacy, it will just redirect to the regular onEvent function
// If used with KJS6, it will find the correct event function and call that instead
global.kjspkgCompatLayer.legacyOnEvent("player.tick", event => {
console.log("do stuff!")
// You can do a similar thing with forge events
global.kjspkgCompatLayer.legacyForgeEvent("", event => {
console.log("do more stuff!")
// KJSPKG compat layer also adds a simliar redirect function for java reflection functions
// On legacy, it will call the java() function. On KJS6, it will call Java.loadClass()
const someJavaThing = global.kjspkgCompatLayer.legacyJava("")
// If you couldn't find a function that suits your needs, you can always just check the version you're running
// To do that, you can get the version id by simply checking the versionId variable
// 6 - 1.16.5, 8 - 1.18.2, 9 - 1.19.2
if (global.kjspkgCompatLayer.versionId<9) console.log("Legacy")
else console.log("KJS6+")