Packer & Vagrant configuration for building Vagrant boxes from a Cumulus VX OVA file
Packer is a popular tool for modifying and provisioning virtual machines, particularly virtual machine images intended for use with Vagrant.
Vagrant is a lightweight virtual machine abstraction layer that can create, provision and manage virtual machines across platforms and hypervisors.
There are three directories in this repository:
Contains files for the Packer build process.
Contains files relevent to using Cumulus VX with Vagrant
Contains files relevent to using Cumulus VX with Test Kitchen.
- VirtualBox
- Packer
- Enough disk space for both the OVA and the box file, and enough memory to create 512MB virtual machine.
- Fork the repository on Github
- Create a named feature branch (like
) - Write your change
- Write tests for your change (if applicable)
- Run the tests, ensuring they all pass
- Submit a Pull Request using Github
Author:: Cumulus Networks Inc.
Copyright:: 2015 Cumulus Networks Inc.
Licensed under the MIT License.
Cumulus Linux is a software distribution that runs on top of industry standard networking hardware. It enables the latest Linux applications and automation tools on networking gear while delivering new levels of innovation and flexibility to the data center.
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