The ~/coolRoom vision is a room that makes you feel like you've just discovered an alien planet in a distant galaxy. This will hopefully be done by having a variety of lights, mechanisms, robots and such just whatever makes someone seeing it be like 'wut'. I want to avoid strips of lights because those are played out and boring and I would rather make lights that are interesting to look at and still add light to the room. The project will still include some of these strips of lights but I use them to add a LOT of light to the room at once and there's really no other way to do that. I think of it as a base coat of paint.
So in writing, it's called ~/coolRoom because its a folder on my computer of all of the files for everything in the room. In this hypothetical situation, the home(~) directory is called "root" even though its not but it sounds so much cooler, and /coolRoom looks bad and "home slash coolRoom" doesn't sound cool. So its:
"root slash coolRoom"
Although it also goes by "coolRoom" or "The Teachers' Lounge"