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Repository files navigation


  1. Moodle Installation Install Moodle 3.0 following your normal procedure or using the Moodle install guide Note: you have installed Moodle in "dirroot".

  2. Install repository Google Drive Extended cd "dirroot"/repository git clone googledrive cd .. php admin/cli/upgrade.php //validate that repository/google_drive installed properly git apply repository/googledrive/google_drive_core_changes.patch

  3. Enable Google Drive Go to site administration > plugins > repositories > Google Drive Extended Change to Enabled and visible Input ClientID and Secret from API dashboard (See Google set up section below) User menu > preferences > manage google account > connect Allow access and you should now be able to use your Google drive files in the file picker

Google set up:

  • The instructions on and the google page it links to are pretty straight forward, but here is my version.
  • Go to and sign in to your google account
  • Create a project - e.g. "Moodle Google"
  • On the left, click on Credentials
  • Select a project and choose "Moodle Google"
  • Go to the OAuth consent screen tab
  • Your email address should already be there, enter it if it isn't.
  • Enter a product name, something like "Moodle Google Drive"
  • Press Save
  • In the Credentials tab, click Create credentials and choose OAuth client ID
  • Choose Web application
  • Change the name if you want, and leave Authorized JavaScript origins empty
  • For Authorized redirect URIs, put /admin/oauth2callback.php
  • Press Create
  • This will give you the client ID and secret you need to input on the moodle site
  • Go back to the API Manager Dashboard and click Enable API
  • Under Google Apps APIs choose Drive API then click Enable


  1. Go into a course
  2. Add an activity or resource
  3. Select File under Resources
  4. Enter a Name (and any other preferred data)
  5. Add a file in the Content area
  6. Select Google Drive Extended (repository_googledrive) from left panel of window (your Google Drive files should automatically appear in the right panel of the window, since your Google account has already been connected)
  7. Select Create an alias/shortcut to the file
  8. Save


If you are interested in running the behat(somewhat hardcoded at the moment) tests, your config.php file will require the below settings. Message me and I will provide you with the values.

$CFG->forced_plugin_settings['googledrive']['clientid'] = '<clientid>'; $CFG->forced_plugin_settings['googledrive']['secret'] = '<secret>'; $CFG->forced_plugin_settings['googledrive']['behatuser'] = '<gmailaccount>'; $CFG->forced_plugin_settings['googledrive']['behatpassword'] = '<gmailpassword>';


  • Consider the use of a Google service account to own files and make API calls to ensure the consistency of permission calls, or Dropbox strategy of using "viewable with link" permission.
    • If user performing action is not file owner/editor, permission call will not work.
    • If owner of file has modified editor role to not be able to change permissions on file, permission call will not work.
    • If student user disconnects their Google account, permission calls will not work (they are viewer, not editor of Google file).
    • Users with no linked Google account will not be able to access file.
    • No event handler for site admins being added or removed - site admins should have editor role on all Google files.
  • Core GoogleDocs repo cannot be installed at the same time - need to add a check for this.
  • Need to design/implement handling of plugin being uninstalled - account permissions and file permissions need to be adjusted.
  • Need to implement a way to detect changes on Google side - if a user deletes a file from Google Drive that was previously linked in Moodle.
  • Need to expand development beyond course module file resource - repository files can be linked from any content area with an editor.
  • Consider future development to allow a teacher to add a Google file and allow student editor role.


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