Name: Gediminas Petreikis
Student Number: C17323756
I have made a POV UI of a futuristic robot that has landed on mars and has encountered aliens. This robot has a radar, warning system, alien analysis, capability to shoot, reload and loose health. This is somewhat based of the masterchief ui from Halo with my own twist to it.
- Clicking anywhere on screen with left mouse click will shoot lasers.
- Shooting at the aliens will cause them to agro on you and hit you back.
- Once you use up all of you bullets the system reloads them back for you (this may sabotage the radar system as reloading takes up all of your system effort)
- Your health status bar is at the very top of the screen letting you know about your working status.
- The radar lets the robot know the location of hostiles.
- Hovering over the aliens will reveal information about them.
- Once your health goes down to 0 your screen goes black and
There are 7 classes in the java program.
- This is where the getters and setters for the alien info from csv file are stored
- This file is responsible for having the whole screen as a button and drawwing a laser beam whenever you shoot. Also this makes the bullet count to go down and then reload after stalling for 2 seconds.
- This is responsible for what happens when you click or hover over the hitbox of the alien. If you click on it it makes the health bar go down and changes the status bar at the top of the screen accordingly. If you hover over them it uses the info from the csv file to show you information about the alien at the bottom of the screen. Once you hit one of the aliens they automaticly hit you back to defend themselves.
- This draws the radar.
- This is the main file where all of the files get loaded from. This is also where I loaded in my background image and the csv file. This also sets the priority of the files and which file overrides another.
- this file is only used to draw out the ui lines out to make the whole outline.
- the file that is used to execute the program.
The overall asthetic look of the program. I put in a good few days of thought in what I wanted my finished program to look like and I believe it turned out well. The code that I used is not too complicated but my aim was to use this simple code into making something that works well and does not turn the UI into a game (main reason why I did not implement aliens health bar).
I wanted this to be a easy to use and get grasp of alien UI with everything having its own place on the screen and not interfering with other things.
Astheticly I was planing to colour in the ui blue to make it look more cool but then practicly this would interfere with the robots field of view as the transperent ui allows him to see more without things getting blocked. (also it was much easier to code)
I mean overall its not a very complicated program with many different features but its nice and cool looking which is exacly what I was aiming to do a cool ui that would not keep me bored programming.
- Laser beam shows up once you shoot by left clicking anywhere.
- The bullet count goes down until none left then it reloads.
- If you shoot at the aliens they will hit back causing you to loose health.
- As your health goes down the status changes at the top of the screen.
- Health going down to 0 will result in System Failure (Death Screen).
- If you hover over the alien without doing anything information is loaded from a CSV file and displayed on to the screen.
This is a hyperlink
This is an image of the background used for the project:
This is an image of critical condition:
This is an image of alien info being displayed:
Name | Planet of origin | Superpower |
Vortigaunt | Xen | Electrical |
Xenomorph | Unknown | Heatsensors |