A Neovim plugin for editing Jupyter notebooks in Neovim, providing a seamless
integration between .ipynb
files and Neovim's editing capabilities.
If you're familiar with Jupytext, this plugin offers similar functionality but
operates directly on the JSON structure of the notebook files. It just renders
the files to look like python
files and it gives you all your usual setup
(e.g. treesitter, language server etc.).
This plugin is still in the early stages of development. Please be aware that there might be breaking changes in future updates. And not everything is guaranteed to work as expected, so backup your files before testing!
- Open and edit Jupyter notebooks (
files) directly in Neovim - Convert between code and markdown cells
- Add, remove, and merge cells
- Automatic cell boundary detection and highlighting
- Preserves notebook metadata and cell outputs
- Native Neovim feel while maintaining Jupyter notebook compatibility
Using lazy.nvim:
config = function()
Basic setup with default configuration:
User configurable options:
template = {
cells = {
cell_type = "code",
execution_count = nil,
metadata = {},
outputs = {},
source = {"# Custom template cell\n"}
metadata = {
kernelspec = {
display_name = "Python 3",
language = "python",
name = "python3"
nbformat = 4,
nbformat_minor = 5
cell_highlight_group = "CurSearch", --whatever you want here
-- If custom highlight group then set these manually
highlights = {
cell_title = {
fg = "#ffffff",
bg = "#000000",
Example configuration with specific keybindings:
-- Add cells
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>ja", "<cmd>JupyterAddCellBelow<CR>", { desc = "Add Jupyter cell below" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>jA", "<cmd>JupyterAddCellAbove<CR>", { desc = "Add Jupyter cell above" })
-- Cell operations
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>jd", "<cmd>JupyterRemoveCell<CR>", { desc = "Remove current Jupyter cell" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>jm", "<cmd>JupyterMergeCellAbove<CR>", { desc = "Merge with cell above" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>jM", "<cmd>JupyterMergeCellBelow<CR>", { desc = "Merge with cell below" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>jt", "<cmd>JupyterConvertCellType<CR>",
{ desc = "Convert cell type (code/markdown)" })
vim.keymap.set("v", "<leader>jm", "<cmd>JupyterMergeVisual<CR>",
{ desc = "Merge selected cells" }),
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>jD", "<cmd>JupyterDeleteCell<CR>",
{ desc = "Delete cell under cursor and store in register" }),
- Add a new cell below the current cell:JupyterAddCellAbove
- Add a new cell above the current cell:JupyterRemoveCell
- Remove the current cell:JupyterMergeCellAbove
- Merge current cell with the cell above:JupyterMergeCellBelow
- Merge current cell with the cell below:JupyterConvertCellType
- Toggle between code and markdown cell types:JupyterMergeVisual
- Merge selected cells:JupyterDeleteCell
- Delete current cell and store in register
Open a Jupyter notebook:
The plugin automatically converts the notebook into an editable format while preserving all notebook metadata.
Edit cells as normal Neovim text. Cell boundaries are automatically detected and highlighted.
Save changes using
to maintain all changes in underlyingipynb
- The plugin maintains notebook compatibility by preserving all metadata and cell information
- Cell execution count and outputs are preserved when saving
- Files are saved in standard
- Neovim >= 0.10.0
- The rendered
file will also work with nvim-python-repl.
- This pluging heavily leverages dkjson Lua JSON library (packaged with plugin)
- Direct kernel interaction using ZeroMQ (either rust or pure lua implementation)