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A readonly ActiveRecord-esque base class that lets you use a hash, a Yaml file or a custom file as the datasource


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ActiveHash is a simple base class that allows you to use a ruby hash as a readonly datasource for an ActiveRecord-like model.

ActiveHash assumes that every hash has an :id key, which is what you would probably store in a database. This allows you to seamlessly upgrade from ActiveHash objects to full ActiveRecord objects without having to change any code in your app, or any foreign keys in your database.

It also allows you to use #has_many and #belongs_to (via belongs_to_active_hash) in your AR objects.

ActiveHash can also be useful to create simple test classes that run without a database - ideal for testing plugins or gems that rely on simple AR behavior, but don't want to deal with databases or migrations for the spec suite.

ActiveHash also ships with:

  • ActiveFile: a base class that you can use to create file data sources
  • ActiveYaml: a base class that will turn YAML into a hash and load the data into an ActiveHash object

!!! Important notice !!!

We have changed returned value to chainable by v3.0.0. It's not just an Array instance anymore. If it breaks your application, please report us on issues, and use v2.x.x as following..

gem 'active_hash', '~> 2.3.0'



gem 'active_hash'


gem install active_hash

Currently version 2.x doesn't support Ruby < 2.4 and Rails < 5. If you use these versions, please use 1.x.

gem 'active_hash', '~> 1.5.3'

Reason for being

We wrote ActiveHash so that we could use simple, in-memory, ActiveRecord-like data structures that play well with Rails forms, like:

# in app/models/country.rb
class Country < ActiveHash::Base = [
    {:id => 1, :name => "US"},
    {:id => 2, :name => "Canada"}

# in some view
<%= collection_select :person, :country_id, Country.all, :id, :name %>

Before ActiveHash, we did things like:

# in app/models/person.rb
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
  COUNTRIES = ["US", "Canada"]

# in some view
<%= collection_select :person, :country_id, Person::COUNTRIES, :to_s, :to_s %>

The majority of ActiveHash uses involve setting up some data at boot time, and never modifying that data at runtime.


To use ActiveHash, you need to:

  • Inherit from ActiveHash::Base
  • Define your data
  • Define your fields and/or default values

A quick example would be:

class Country < ActiveHash::Base = [
    {:id => 1, :name => "US"},
    {:id => 2, :name => "Canada"}

country = => "Mexico")  # => "Mexico" # => true

You can also use create:

class Country < ActiveHash::Base
  field :name
  create :id => 1, :name => "US"
  create :id => 2, :name => "Canada"

You can also use add:

class Country < ActiveHash::Base
  field :name
  add :id => 1, :name => "US"
  add :id => 2, :name => "Canada"

Auto-Defined fields

ActiveHash will auto-define all fields for you when you load the hash. For example, if you have the following class:

class CustomField < ActiveHash::Base = [
    {:custom_field_1 => "foo"},
    {:custom_field_2 => "foo"},
    {:custom_field_3 => "foo"}

Once you call CustomField.all it will define methods for :custom_field_1, :custom_field_2 etc...

If you need the fields at load time, as opposed to after .all is called, you can also define them manually, like so:

class CustomField < ActiveHash::Base
  fields :custom_field_1, :custom_field_2, :custom_field_3

NOTE: auto-defined fields will not override fields you've defined, either on the class or on the instance.

Defining Fields with default values

If some of your hash values contain nil, and you want to provide a default, you can specify defaults with the :field method:

class Country < ActiveHash::Base
  field :is_axis_of_evil, :default => false

Defining Data

You can define data inside your class or outside. For example, you might have a class like this:

# app/models/country.rb
class Country < ActiveHash::Base

# config/initializers/data.rb
Rails.application.config.to_prepare do = [
      {:id => 1, :name => "US"},
      {:id => 2, :name => "Canada"}

If you prefer to store your data in YAML, see below.

Class Methods

ActiveHash gives you ActiveRecord-esque methods like:

Country.all                    # => returns all Country objects
Country.count                  # => returns the length of the .data array
Country.first                  # => returns the first country object
Country.last                   # => returns the last country object
Country.find 1                 # => returns the first country object with that id
Country.find [1,2]             # => returns all Country objects with ids in the array
Country.find :all              # => same as .all
Country.find :all, args        # => the second argument is totally ignored, but allows it to play nicely with AR
Country.find { |country|'U') } # => returns the first country for which the block evaluates to true
Country.find_by_id 1           # => find the first object that matches the id
Country.find_by(name: 'US')    # => returns the first country object with specified argument
Country.find_by!(name: 'US')   # => same as find_by, but raise exception when not found
Country.where(name: 'US')      # => returns all records with name: 'US'
Country.where(name: /U/)       # => returns all records where the name matches the regex /U/
Country.where.not(name: 'US')  # => returns all records without name: 'US'
Country.order(name: :desc)     # => returns all records ordered by name attribute in DESC order

It also gives you a few dynamic finder methods. For example, if you defined :name as a field, you'd get:

Country.find_by_name "foo"                    # => returns the first object matching that name
Country.find_all_by_name "foo"                # => returns an array of the objects with matching names
Country.find_by_id_and_name 1, "Germany"      # => returns the first object matching that id and name
Country.find_all_by_id_and_name 1, "Germany"  # => returns an array of objects matching that name and id

Furthermore, it allows to create custom scope query methods, similar to how it's possible with ActiveRecord:

Country.scope :english, -> { where(language: 'English') } # Creates a class method Country.english performing the given query
Country.scope :with_language, ->(language) { where(language: language) } # Creates a class method Country.with_language(language) performing the given query

Instance Methods

ActiveHash objects implement enough of the ActiveRecord api to satisfy most common needs. For example:

Country#id          # => returns the id or nil
Country#id=         # => sets the id attribute
Country#quoted_id   # => returns the numeric id
Country#to_param    # => returns the id as a string
Country#new_record? # => returns true if is not part of Country.all, false otherwise
Country#readonly?   # => true
Country#hash        # => the hash of the id (or the hash of nil)
Country#eql?        # => compares type and id, returns false if id is nil

ActiveHash also gives you methods related to the fields you defined. For example, if you defined :name as a field, you'd get:

Country#name        # => returns the passed in name
Country#name?       # => returns true if the name is not blank
Country#name=       # => sets the name

Saving in-memory records

The ActiveHash::Base.all method functions like an in-memory data store. You can save your records as ActiveHash::Relation object by using standard ActiveRecord create and save methods:

=> #<ActiveHash::Relation:0x00007f861e043bb0 @klass=Country, @all_records=[], @conditions=[..], @records_dirty=false>
=> #<Country:0x00007f861b7abce8 @attributes={:id=>1}>
=> #<ActiveHash::Relation:0x00007f861b7b3628 @klass=Country, @all_records=[#<Country:0x00007f861b7abce8 @attributes={:id=>1}>], @conditions=[..], @records_dirty=false>
country =
=> #<Country:0x00007f861e059938 @attributes={}>
=> true
=> true
# => false
=> #<ActiveHash::Relation:0x00007f861e0ca610 @klass=Country, @all_records=[#<Country:0x00007f861b7abce8 @attributes={:id=>1}>, #<Country:0x00007f861e059938 @attributes={:id=>2}>], @conditions=[..], @records_dirty=false>

Notice that when adding records to the collection, it will auto-increment the id for you by default. If you use string ids, it will not auto-increment the id. Available methods are:

Country.insert( record )

As such, ActiveHash::Base and its descendants should work with Fixjour or FactoryBot, so you can treat ActiveHash records the same way you would any other ActiveRecord model in tests.

To clear all records from the in-memory array, call delete_all:

Country.delete_all  # => does not affect the yaml files in any way - just clears the in-memory array which can be useful for testing

Referencing ActiveHash objects from ActiveRecord Associations

One common use case for ActiveHash is to have top-level objects in memory that ActiveRecord objects belong to.

class Country < ActiveHash::Base

class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
  extend ActiveHash::Associations::ActiveRecordExtensions
  belongs_to :country

NOTE: this needs to be called on a subclass of ActiveRecord::Base. If you extend ActiveRecord::Base, it will not work. If you want to extend ActiveRecord::Base so all your AR models can belong to ActiveHash::Base objects, you can use the belongs_to_active_hash method:

ActiveRecord::Base.extend ActiveHash::Associations::ActiveRecordExtensions

class Country < ActiveHash::Base

class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to_active_hash :country

Using shortcuts

Since ActiveHashes usually are static, we can use shortcuts to assign via an easy to remember string instead of an obscure ID number.

# app/models/country.rb
class Country < ActiveHash::Base

# app/models/person.rb
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
  extend ActiveHash::Associations::ActiveRecordExtensions
  belongs_to_active_hash :country, :shortcuts => [:name]

# config/initializers/data.rb
Rails.application.config.to_prepare do = [
      {:id => 1, :name => "US"},
      {:id => 2, :name => "Canada"}

# Using `rails console`
john =
john.country_name = "US"
# Is the same as doing ` = Country.find_by_name("US")`
# Will return "US", and is the same as doing ``

You can have multiple shortcuts, so settings :shortcuts => [:name, :friendly_name] will enable you to use #country_name= and #country_friendly_name=.

Referencing ActiveRecord objects from ActiveHash

If you include the ActiveHash::Associations module, you can also create associations from your ActiveHash classes, like so:

class Country < ActiveHash::Base
  include ActiveHash::Associations
  has_many :people

class Person < ActiveHash::Base
  include ActiveHash::Associations
  belongs_to :country
  has_many :pets

class Pet < ActiveRecord::Base

Once you define a belongs to, you also get the setter method:

class City < ActiveHash::Base
  include ActiveHash::Associations
  belongs_to :state

city =
city.state = State.first
city.state_id             # is

NOTE: You cannot use ActiveHash objects as children of ActiveRecord and I don't plan on adding support for that. It doesn't really make any sense, since you'd have to hard-code your database ids in your class or yaml files, which is a dependency inversion.

Thanks to baldwindavid for the ideas and code on that one.


If you want to store your data in YAML files, just inherit from ActiveYaml and specify your path information:

class Country < ActiveYaml::Base

By default, this class will look for a yml file named "countries.yml" in the same directory as the file. You can either change the directory it looks in, the filename it looks for, or both:

class Country < ActiveYaml::Base
  set_root_path "/u/data"
  set_filename "sample"

The above example will look for the file "/u/data/sample.yml".

Since ActiveYaml just creates a hash from the YAML file, you will have all fields specified in YAML auto-defined for you. You can format your YAML as an array, or as a hash:

# array style
- id: 1
  name: US
- id: 2
  name: Canada
- id: 3
  name: Mexico

# hash style
  id: 1
  name: US
  id: 2
  name: Canada
  id: 3
  name: Mexico

Automatic Key Attribute

When using the hash format for your YAML file, ActiveYaml will automatically add a key attribute with the name of the object. You can overwrite this by setting the key attribute in the YAML file. For example:

  id: 1
  name: Australia

When you access the object you can do Country.find(1).key => 'au'. Or Country.find_by_key('au')

If you want a different key on only some objects you can mix and match:

  id: 1
  key: aus
  name: Australia
  id: 2
  name: New Zealand

Country.find(1).key => 'aus'

Country.find(2).key => 'nz'

Multiple files per model

You can use multiple files to store your data. You will have to choose between hash or array style as you cannot use both for one model.

class Country < ActiveYaml::Base
  set_filenames "europe", "america", "asia", "africa"

Using aliases in YAML

Aliases can be used in ActiveYaml using either array or hash style by including ActiveYaml::Aliases. With that module included, keys beginning with a '/' character can be safely added, and will be ignored, allowing you to add aliases anywhere in your code:

# Array Style
- /aliases:
  soda_flavor: &soda_flavor
  soda_price: &soda_price

- id: 1
  name: Coke
  flavor: *soda_flavor
  price: *soda_price

 # Key style
  soda_flavor: &soda_flavor
  soda_price: &soda_price

  id: 1
  name: Coke
  flavor: *soda_flavor
  price: *soda_price
class Soda < ActiveYaml::Base
  include ActiveYaml::Aliases

Soda.length # => 1
Soda.first.flavor # => sweet
Soda.first.price # => 1.0

Using ERB ruby in YAML

Embedded ruby can be used in ActiveYaml using erb brackets <% %> and <%= %> to set the result of a ruby operation as a value in the yaml file.

- id: 1
  email: <%= "user#{rand(100)}" %>
  password: <%= ENV['USER_PASSWORD'] %>

This can be disabled in an initializer:

# config/initializers/active_yaml.rb
ActiveYaml::Base.process_erb = false


If you want to store your data in JSON files, just inherit from ActiveJSON and specify your path information:

class Country < ActiveJSON::Base

By default, this class will look for a json file named "countries.json" in the same directory as the file. You can either change the directory it looks in, the filename it looks for, or both:

class Country < ActiveJSON::Base
  set_root_path "/u/data"
  set_filename "sample"

The above example will look for the file "/u/data/sample.json".

Since ActiveJSON just creates a hash from the JSON file, you will have all fields specified in JSON auto-defined for you. You can format your JSON as an array, or as a hash:

# array style
    "id": 1,
    "name": "US",
    "custom_field_1": "value1"
    "id": 2,
    "name": "Canada",
    "custom_field_2": "value2"

# hash style
  { "us":
      "id": 1,
      "name": "US",
      "custom_field_1": "value1"
  { "canada":
      "id": 2,
      "name": "Canada",
      "custom_field_2": "value2"

Multiple files per model

This works as it does for ActiveYaml


If you store encrypted data, or you'd like to store your flat files as CSV or XML or any other format, you can easily include ActiveHash to parse and load your file. Just add a custom ::load_file method, and define the extension you want the file to use:

class Country < ActiveFile::Base
  set_root_path "/u/data"
  set_filename "sample"

  class << self
    def extension

    def load_file

The two methods you need to implement are load_file, which needs to return an array of hashes, and .extension, which returns the file extension you are using. You have full_path available to you if you wish, or you can provide your own path.

Setting the default file location in Rails:

# config/initializers/active_file.rb
ActiveFile::Base.set_root_path "config/activefiles"

In Rails, in development mode, it reloads the entire class, which reloads the file. In production, the data cached in memory.

NOTE: By default, .full_path refers to the current working directory. In a rails app, this will be RAILS_ROOT.

Reloading ActiveYaml, ActiveJSON and ActiveFile

During the development you may often change your data and want to see your changes immediately. Call Model.reload(true) to force reload the data from disk.

In Rails, you can use this snippet. Please just note it resets the state every request, which may not always be desired.

before_filter do
  [Model1, Model2, Model3].each { |m| m.reload(true) }


ActiveHash can expose its data in an Enumeration by setting constants for each record. This allows records to be accessed in code through a constant set in the ActiveHash class.

The field to be used as the constant is set using enum_accessor which takes the name of a field as an argument.

class Country < ActiveHash::Base
  include ActiveHash::Enum = [
      {:id => 1, :name => "US", :capital => "Washington, DC"},
      {:id => 2, :name => "Canada", :capital => "Ottawa"},
      {:id => 3, :name => "Mexico", :capital => "Mexico City"}
  enum_accessor :name

Records can be accessed by looking up the field constant:

=> "Washington DC"
=> 3
>> Country::CANADA
=> #<Country:0x10229fb28 @attributes={:name=>"Canada", :id=>2}

You may also use multiple attributes to generate the constant, like so:

class Town < ActiveHash::Base
  include ActiveHash::Enum = [
      {:id => 1, :name => "Columbus", :state => "NY"},
      {:id => 2, :name => "Columbus", :state => "OH"}
  enum_accessor :name, :state


Constants are formed by first stripping all non-word characters and then upcasing the result. This means strings like "Blazing Saddles", "ReBar", "Mike & Ike" and "Ho! Ho! Ho!" become BLAZING_SADDLES, REBAR, MIKE_IKE and HO_HO_HO.

The field specified as the enum_accessor must contain unique data values.


If you'd like to become an ActiveHash contributor, the easiest way it to fork this repo, make your changes, run the specs and submit a pull request once they pass.

To run specs, run:

bundle install
bundle exec rspec spec

If your changes seem reasonable and the specs pass I'll give you commit rights to this repo and add you to the list of people who can push the gem.

Releasing a new version

To make users' lives easier, please maintain support for:

  • Ruby 2.4
  • ActiveRecord/ActiveSupport from 5.0 through edge

Once appraisal passes in all supported rubies, follow these steps to release a new version of active_hash:

  • update the changelog with a brief summary of the changes that are included in the release
  • bump the gem version by editing the version.rb file
  • if there are new contributors, add them to the list of authors in the gemspec
  • run rake build
  • commit those changes
  • run rake install and verify that the gem loads correctly from an irb session
  • run rake release, which will rebuild the gem, tag it, push the tags (and your latest commit) to github, then push the gem to

If you have any questions about how to maintain backwards compatibility, please email me and we can figure it out.


Copyright (c) 2010 Jeff Dean. See LICENSE for details.


A readonly ActiveRecord-esque base class that lets you use a hash, a Yaml file or a custom file as the datasource







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