This plugin allow users to follow tags. Users can select any tag which is filtered and displayed in the Activity Stream. The user is notified when new content is matching.
- Add 'My Tags' to the Activity tabs
- Input-fields with user friendly autocompletion
- User-notification for new matched content
- Language support en, de included
- Tested on version Elgg 1.8.16
Copy the plugin-folder in your '/mod' directory and activate the plugin.
- enable/disable Follow Tags to provide the tag-autocompletion exclusivly
- minimum number of characters a user must type before a search is performed
- tag-threshold for autocomplete-selection
- total number of tags
- removeConfirmation press the backspace key twice to remove the last tag
- caseSensitive for tags
- allow Spaces in a tag
- additional default Tags for autocomplete
- Follow Tags
- User can select if they want to get notification (FollowTags Notification use the user notification methods)
- prevent double notification on Groups (only Group-Notification)
- Ajax-Support for autocomplete