deploy to openshift with 'grunt buildcontrol:openshift'
to deploy to heroku, read the DEPLOYMENT TO HEROKU section below
- Phil
- Shawn
- Andrew
- Jeff Yu
- Abizer
- Jason
- Gerardo
- Rowan
- Mercedeh
- Jackson
not using grunt-build-control yet; please deploy manually with the following steps
- install Heroku Toolbelt on your machine
- set/export HEROKU_DIR environment variable to a working directory somewhere outside of the app’s checkout directory
- run ‘grunt build —-force’ in the checkout directory
- cd to HEROKU_DIR
- run ‘git init’
- run ‘heroku login’
- run ‘heroku create’ or ‘git remote add heroku’
- commit what’s in HEROKU_DIR and run ‘git push heroku master’