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This plug-in provides syntax highlighting for Qgoda.


[% USE Highlight %]
[% Filter $Highlight "language-javascript" "line-numbers" "data-start"=5 %]
use "strict";

console.log("Hello, world!\n");
[% END %]

You can also use this plug-in without Qgoda.


This Qgoda plug-in for the Template Toolkit allows you to create code blocks that can be syntax-highlighted in the browser. It works perfectly with PrismJS but other libraries that follow the recommendation for code blocks in HTML are equally supported.

The filter wraps its content into an HTML "code" element that in turn is wrapped into an HTML "pre". The above example from the synopsis would result in the following HTML:

<pre class="language-javascript line-numbers" data-start="5"><code>use "strict";

console.log("Hello, world!\n");</code></pre>

All positional arguments (those without an equals sign) to the filter are accumulated in the class attribute of the "pre" element. All named arguments (those with an equals sign) are converted into other attributes.

Leading and trailing whitespace around the source snippet is stripped off and discarded.

Important! If you are using Text::Markup::Hoedownas your markdown processor, you can alternatively use fenced codeblocks:

use "strict";

console.log("Hello, world!\n");

This will result in the same HTML code but only with a class attribute of "language-javascript". If you need additional classes or attributes, you have to use this filter.

Important! It is your responsability to add all the required JavaScript and CSS to the page that is needed for syntax highlighting. See for an example, how to include the required assets.

Installation and Update

Like all Qgoda plug-ins, there is no need to install from CPAN (although you can).

With Node.JS Package Manager

Check that your Qgoda project directory contains a file package.json. If not, create one with either npm init or yarn init.


With NPM, you install the plug-in and update it to the latest version like this:

$ npm install --save-dev gflohr/qgoda-tt2-plugin-highlight
$ npm update gflohr/qgoda-tt2-plugin-hightlight


With Yarn, you install the plug-in and update it to the latest version like this:

$ yarn add gflohr/qgoda-tt2-plugin-highlight
$ npm upgrade gflohr/qgoda-plugin-tt2-hightlight

Either way, it will be recognized as a plug-in, the next time you start Qgoda.

From Version Control

You can also install the plug-in directly from git.

$ cd /path/to/your/qgoda/project
$ test -e _plugins || mkdir _plugins
$ git clone

This will download the latest version into the directory _plugins where it will be recognized as a plug-in, the next time you start Qgoda.


You can also install from CPAN, if you can't help. One of the following two options should work:


$ sudo cpanm Qgoda::TT2::Plugin::Highlight

The command cpanm comes with App-cpanminus.


$ sudo cpan install Qgoda::TT2::Plugin::Highlight


Copyright (C) 2018 Guido Flohr [email protected], all rights reserved.

This library is free software. It comes without any warranty, to the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What the Fuck You Want to Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See for more details.