With the recent success of the Fallout television series, I've found myself exploring The Commonwealth again, which has also influenced my daily workspace, starting with customizing my Windows Terminal.
To access your configuration file, open the Windows Terminal, click the down arrow, select settings then select Open JSON file on the bottom left and
Find the profiles section in your configuration file and add the following object as a new element of the list array.
"backgroundImageOpacity": 1.0,
"colorScheme": "Fallout Terminal",
"cursorShape": "filledBox",
"experimental.retroTerminalEffect": true,
"face": "Lucida Sans Typewriter"
"guid": "{574e775e-4f2a-5b96-ac1e-a2962a402336}",
"hidden": false,
"name": "PowerShell",
"source": "Windows.Terminal.PowershellCore"
Find the schemes section of your configuration file and add the following object as a new element of that same array.
"background": "#0C0C0C",
"black": "#0C0C0C",
"blue": "#0C0C0C",
"brightBlack": "#26E476",
"brightBlue": "#3B78FF",
"brightCyan": "#61D6D6",
"brightGreen": "#26E476",
"brightPurple": "#B4009E",
"brightRed": "#E74856",
"brightWhite": "#26E476",
"brightYellow": "#26E476",
"cursorColor": "#26E476",
"cyan": "#26E476",
"foreground": "#26E476",
"green": "#26E476",
"name": "Fallout Terminal",
"purple": "#881798",
"red": "#C50F1F",
"selectionBackground": "#26E476",
"white": "#26E476",
"yellow": "#C19C00"