1.ngrok ngrok下载和基本使用 从https://ngrok.com/ 下载ngrok
然后注册一个账号 获取官方分配一个密钥
Install your authtoken
./ngrok authtoken xxxx
Create your first secure tunnel
./ngrok http 80
Open the web interface at http://localhost:4040 to inspect and replay
read doc https://ngrok.com/docs
for instructions on advanced features like adding HTTP authentication, setting custom subdomains and more.
使用cmd 到ngrok.exe的目录
ngrok -authtoken 密钥 -subdomain 二级域名 端口
ngrok -authtoken xxxx -subdomain yyyy 8000 #这个二级域名也要付费才有了
ngrok http 8000
下面介绍全免费的方案 使用默认配置文件 default location of config file is $HOME/.ngrok2/ngrok.yml. windows下面 C:\Users\Administrator/.ngrok2\ngrok.yml
addr: 8000
proto: http
#subdomain: myshop-inspect 这个要付费才有
inspect: false
ngrok start myshop-http
2.Rabbitmq server celery4.x 不再支持windows pip install celery==3.1.18
rabbitmq 支持的OS多过redis,这里在windows安装了一个 可以用
cd /d D:\RabbitMQ Server\rabbitmq_server-3.6.9\sbin windows下面配置rabbitmq http://www.rabbitmq.com/configure.html#customise-windows-environment run the following command after installation on rabbit mq path:
rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
#下面的服务启动是会失败的,如何配置为windows service看下面
rabbitmq-service.bat start
下面的命令,可以在console看到消息 rabbitmq-server.bat start
如何要运行为windows service RABBITMQ_BASE是用来放db和log两个目录的, 默认是在C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\RabbitMQ RABBITMQ_BASE=D:\RabbitMQ Server\rabbitmq_server-3.6.9 rabbitmq-service.bat uninstall rabbitmq-service.bat install rabbitmq-service.bat start
3.paypal Creating a PayPal account You need to have a PayPal Business account to integrate the payment gateway into your site. If you don't own a PayPal account yet, sign up at https://www.paypal.com/signup/account. Make sure that you choose a Business Account and sign up to the PayPal Payments Standard solution, as shown in the following screenshot:
pip install django-paypal==0.3.6 http://django-paypal.readthedocs.io/en/stable/
http://developer.paypal.com 注册sandbox账号 包括business和person账号,这个是用来模拟买卖中的账号来的。 person账号初始化的balance是$9999.
4.WeasyPrint使用它的转换功能(输出pdf file) 目前为止PyGTK只支持py2.7,所以确保在python2.7的环境 否则就只能去掉WeasyPrint
因为某些app要用到static下面的静态文件,所以需要运行下面的命令 python manage.py collectstatic 开4个console ###1.ngrok
ngrok start myshop-http
###2.django myshop
workon myshop
cd /d e:/django_projects/shop/myshop
python manage.py runserver
###3.rabbitmq server
cd /d D:\RabbitMQ Server\rabbitmq_server-3.6.9\sbin
rabbitmq-server start
workon myshop
cd /d e:/django_projects/shop/myshop
(myshop) e:\django_projects\shop\myshop>
celery -A myshop worker -l info
因为报错:pickle被rejected,所以把下面的配置注释掉了 CELERY_ACCEPT_CONTENT = ['application/json']