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CLI tool for managing Giant Swarm installations.

What is MCLI?

mcli is a golang based CLI tool for managing configuration for Giant Swarm management clusters. The idea is to provide a tool that allows for easier review, creation and updates of configuration data. Commands found inside the tool are based on scripts that are part of mc-bootstrap with the goal to replace more and more of them as new commands are added to mcli.


mcli can be installed as Go binary.

go install


mcli uses the same environment variables and mechanisms as mc-bootstrap.


Ensure that you have a valid GitHub token set in the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable.


For the time being, mcli uses the sops binary to encrypt and decrypt secrets in the same way as mc-bootstrap. Ensure that you have installed sops and that it is available in your PATH.

Furthermore, ensure that the SOPS_AGE_KEY environment variable is set before running a command. This is always the case when running mc-bootstrap to create a new management cluster. When using the tool to update an existing management cluster, make sure to set the SOPS_AGE_KEY environment variable to the correct value. Please only use secure mechanisms to store and retrieve this key and do not expose it in the command line. For example, if it is stored in LastPass, it can be set like this:

export SOPS_AGE_KEY=$(lpass show "Path/To/Secret/$CLUSTER.agekey" --notes)


mcli pull -c $MC_NAME > config.yaml

Use --help to learn about more options.


As most configuration is stored in git repositories, commands generally involve pulling from, pushing to, or creating repositories.

mcli pull

Pulls the configuration of a given management cluster and prints it to stdout. This can be used to review the configuration before making changes or to use as a base for creating a new configuration.

mcli push

Pushes configuration of a management cluster. This can be used to create or update a management cluster.

mcli create

Creates a repository. For the time being, this is only used to create a new cmc repository.


The tool will not print any logs unless it is run in --verbose mode.


mcli uses a set of repositories to store configuration data.

push and pull commands will by default access all repositories below one by one to get the complete configuration. However, subcommands can be used to access only a specific repository. As of right now, the create command can only be called explicitly for the cmc repository.


The customer management cluster repository giantswarm/$CUSTOMER-management-clusters.

This repository contains the configuration for all management clusters of a customer. A new cmc repository is created for each customer using the mcli create cmc command.

The mcli pull cmc and mcli push cmc commands can be used to pull and push the configuration for a specific management cluster to the cmc repository.


When nothing else is specified via --customer or --cmc-repository flags, the tool will use the giantswarm-management-clusters repository as the default.


The installations repository giantswarm/installations.

This repository mostly contains configuration for vintage installations. However, it also contains basic information about the management cluster. The mcli pull installations and mcli push installations commands can be used to pull and push this information to the installations repository.


The tool can be used either with an input file or flags. To ease integration into mc-bootstrap, flags can be read from its environment variables and secret files.

Input file

The input file is a YAML file that contains the configuration for a management cluster. The output of an mcli pull command can be used as a base for an input file to the corresponding mcli push command. Please note that the output of mcli pull will redact sensitive information like secrets.

The file can be passed to the tool with the --input flag.


When using an input file via --input, the tool will ignore other configuration flags.


The tool can be used with flags to provide configuration data. To see all available flags for a command, use the --help flag. Generally, when creating a new management cluster via flags, mandatory flags need to be set. That should always be the case when running mc-bootstrap to create a new management cluster.

For updating a management cluster via flags, only the flags that need to be updated need to be set.

Environment variables

The tool can read configuration from environment variables. The available environment variables are the same as those used by mc-bootstrap. Environment variables are used to set the default values for corresponding flags.

Example usage

Some examples of how the tool can be used.

Pull management cluster configuration

Pull the configuration of mc called $CLUSTER belonging to $CUSTOMER and print it to stdout.

mcli pull --cluster $CLUSTER --customer $CUSTOMER

The output will look something like this:

  codename: $CLUSTER
  customer: $CUSTOMER
  cmc_repository: $CUSTOMER-management-clusters
  ccr_repository: $CUSTOMER-configs
  accountEngineer: Elmo
  pipeline: stable
  provider: capa
    region: eu-central-1
      account: "12345"
      cloudtrailBucket: ""
      adminRoleARN: arn:aws:iam::12345:role/RoleName
      guardDuty: false
      account: "12345"
      cloudtrailBucket: ""
      guardDuty: false
  agePubKey: age12345
  cluster: $CLUSTER
    name: $CLUSTER
    catalog: cluster
    version: 0.65.0
    values: |
            description: "example MC"
            name: "example"
            organization: "giantswarm"
    appName: cluster-aws
    name: $CLUSTER-default-apps
    catalog: cluster
    version: v0.49.0
    values: |
      clusterName: $CLUSTER
      organization: giantswarm
      managementCluster: $CLUSTER
    appName: default-apps-aws
  clusterIntegratesDefaultApps: false
  mcAppsPreventDeletion: true
  privateCA: false
  privateMC: false
  clusterNamespace: org-giantswarm
    name: capa
  taylorBotToken: REDACTED
    key: REDACTED
    identity: REDACTED
    knownHosts: | ecdsa-sha2...
    key: REDACTED
    identity: REDACTED
    knownHosts: | ecdsa-sha2...
    key: REDACTED
    identity: REDACTED
    knownHosts: | ecdsa-sha2...
    enabled: false
    enabled: true
    values: REDACTED
    enabled: false
  disableDenyAllNetPol: false
    enabled: false
    cmcRepository: $CUSTOMER-management-clusters
    cmcBranch: $CLUSTER_auto_branch
    mcbBranchSource: main
    configBranch: $CLUSTER_auto_config
    mcAppCollectionBranch: $CLUSTER_auto_branch

Alternatively, the cmc and installations repositories can be accessed separately.

mcli pull cmc --cluster $CLUSTER --customer $CUSTOMER
mcli pull installations --cluster $CLUSTER

If needed, the REDACTED secrets can be displayed in the output by setting the --display-secrets flag.


It's important to be careful with the --display-secrets flag as it will print sensitive information in the output. Only use it when necessary.

Create management cluster repository

Create a new management cluster repository for $CUSTOMER

mcli create cmc --customer $CUSTOMER -v


The -v flag is used to print logs to stdout.

The result will be a new repository in the giantswarm organization called $CUSTOMER-management-clusters. Also, a pull request in the giantswarm/github repository will be created to add the new repository.

Push management cluster configuration

In order to push the configuration of a new management cluster, a couple of secrets need to be created first. Usually, this will be done in the process of running mc-bootstrap to create a new management cluster.

  • To create entirely new configuration for testing or otherwise, a new age key pair can be generated via the age-keygen command.

  • More information on the various secrets and values can be found in the mc-bootstrap repository.

  • The output of the mcli pull command can be used as a base for the input file.

Below examples assume that the cluster either already exists and we are updating it or that the needed secrets are already created and present in the input file or secret folder.

With an input file

Push the configuration of mc called $CLUSTER belonging to $CUSTOMER to repositories.

mcli push --cluster $CLUSTER --customer $CUSTOMER --input config.yaml

A succesful push should print the resulting configuration to stdout in the same way as the pull command. It should also create a new branch in the affected repositories.

Alternatively, the cmc and installations repositories can be accessed separately.

mcli push cmc --cluster $CLUSTER --customer $CUSTOMER --input cmc-config.yaml
mcli push installations --cluster $CLUSTER --customer --input installations-config.yaml

With flags


We recommend the use of an input file when working with mcli outside of mc-bootstrap since it is more reliable, less error-prone and easier to manage.

However, flags or environment variables can be used to push configuration as well. Please refer to the Flags and environment variables section for more information on available flags and environment variables.

Push the configuration of mc called $CLUSTER to the installations repository.

mcli push installations -c $CLUSTER --customer giantswarm --provider capa --base-domain --team bigmac --aws-region eu-central-1 --aws-account-id 12345

Update the configuration of mc called $CLUSTER belonging to $CUSTOMER in the cmc repository with new values. Here, cert-manager-dns-challenge is enabled.

mcli push cmc --cluster $CLUSTER --customer $CUSTOMER --cert-manager-dns-challenge --secret-folder secret/folder


The --secret-folder flag is used here to specify the folder where the secrets are stored. When using the tool with flags the expectation is that the secrets are stored in a folder and the tool will read them from there. More information on the secret folder can be found in the mc-bootstrap repository.


Flags and environment variables

Command Flag Environment variable Description Note
all --cluster, -c INSTALLATION The name of the management cluster.
--customer CUSTOMER The name of the customer. Defaults to "giantswarm"
--cmc-branch CMC_BRANCH The branch of the cmc repository to use. Defaults to "main" in pull case and auto naming in push case
--cmc-repository CMC_REPOSITORY The name of the cmc repository to use. Defaults to "giantswarm-management-clusters"
--input The path to the input file.
--verbose, -v Print logs to stdout.
--display-secrets Display secrets in the output.
--github-token GITHUB_TOKEN The GitHub token to use.
--skip Repositories to skip.
--installations-branch INSTALLATIONS_BRANCH The branch of the installations repository to use. Defaults to "master" in pull case and auto naming in push case
push --provider PROVIDER The provider of the management cluster.
--base-domain BASE_DOMAIN The base domain of the management cluster.
push installations --team TEAM_NAME The team name of the management cluster.
--aws-region AWS_REGION The AWS region of the management cluster.
--aws-account-id INSTALLATION_AWS_ACCOUNT The AWS account ID of the management cluster.
--ccr-repository CCR_REPOSITORY The name of the ccr repository to use.
--pipeline MC_PIPELINE The pipeline to use for the installation. Defaults to "testing"
push cmc --mc-apps-prevent-deletion MC_APPS_PREVENT_DELETION Prevent deletion of mc apps.
--cluster-app-name CLUSTER_APP_NAME The name of the cluster app.
--cluster-app-catalog CLUSTER_APP_CATALOG The catalog of the cluster app.
--cluster-app-version CLUSTER_APP_VERSION The version of the cluster app.
--cluster-integrates-default-apps CLUSTER_INTEGRATES_DEFAULT_APPS Default apps are integrated into the cluster app.
--cluster-namespace CLUSTER_NAMESPACE The namespace of the management cluster.
--configure-container-registries CONFIGURE_CONTAINER_REGISTRIES Configure container registries.
--default-apps-name DEFAULT_APPS_APP_NAME The name of the default apps.
--default-apps-catalog DEFAULT_APPS_APP_CATALOG The catalog of the default apps.
--default-apps-version DEFAULT_APPS_APP_VERSION The version of the default apps.
--private-ca PRIVATE_CA Use a private CA.
--private-mc MC_PRIVATE The management cluster is private.
--cert-manager-dns-challenge CERT_MANAGER_DNS01_CHALLENGE Use cert-manager DNS challenge.
--mc-custom-coredns-config MC_CUSTOM_COREDNS_CONFIG Use custom CoreDNS config.
--mc-proxy-enabled MC_PROXY_ENABLED Use mc proxy.
--mc-https-proxy MC_HTTPS_PROXY Use mc https proxy.
--age-pub-key AGE_PUBKEY The age public key.
--mcb-branch-source MCB_BRANCH_SOURCE The source branch of the mcb repository to use. Defaults to "main"
--config-branch CONFIG_BRANCH The branch of the config repository to use. Defaults to auto naming
--mc-app-collection-branch MC_APP_COLLECTION_BRANCH The branch of the mc-app-collection repository to use. Defaults to auto naming
--registry-domain REGISTRY_DOMAIN Custom registry domain.
--taylor-bot-token The Taylor bot token. overrides value from secret files
--deploy-key The deploy key passphrase. overrides value from secret files
--deploy-key-identity The deploy key identity. overrides value from secret files
--deploy-key-known-hosts The deploy key known hosts. overrides value from secret files
--customer-deploy-key The customer deploy key passphrase. overrides value from secret files
--customer-deploy-key-identity The customer deploy key identity. overrides value from secret files
--customer-deploy-key-known-hosts The customer deploy key known hosts. overrides value from secret files
--shared-deploy-key The shared deploy key passphrase. overrides value from secret files
--shared-deploy-key-identity The shared deploy key identity. overrides value from secret files
--shared-deploy-key-known-hosts The shared deploy key known hosts. overrides value from secret files
--vsphere-credentials The vSphere credentials. overrides value from secret files
--cloud-director-refresh-token The cloud director refresh token. overrides value from secret files
--azure-ua-client-id The Azure UA client ID. overrides value from secret files
--azure-ua-tenant-id The Azure UA tenant ID. overrides value from secret files
--azure-ua-resource-id The Azure UA resource ID. overrides value from secret files
--azure-client-id The Azure client ID. overrides value from secret files
--azure-tenant-id The Azure tenant ID. overrides value from secret files
--azure-client-secret The Azure client secret. overrides value from secret files
--azure-subscription-id The Azure subscription ID. overrides value from secret files
--container-registry-configuration The container registry configuration. overrides value from secret files
--cluster-values The cluster values. overrides value from secret files
--cert-manager-route53-region The cert-manager Route53 region. overrides value from secret files
--cert-manager-route53-role The cert-manager Route53 role. overrides value from secret files
--cert-manager-route53-access-key-id The cert-manager Route53 access key ID. overrides value from secret files
--cert-manager-route53-secret-access-key The cert-manager Route53 secret access key. overrides value from secret files