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This is a command line tool to help to inspect a specified shapefile. It provides function to inspect a specified shapefile's header, fields, records etc.


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Shapefile Command Line Tool

This is a command line tool to help to inspect a specified shapefile. It provides function to inspect a specified shapefile's header, fields, records etc.


# global install
npm i -g ginkgoch-shapefile-cli

# local install
npm i --save ginkgoch-shapefile-cli


shapefile-cli --help

Usage: index command [options] <file>


-V, --version                  output the version number
-h, --help                     output usage information


show-header [options] <file>       Output shapefile header information
show-fields [options] <file>       Output shapefile fields information
show-records [options] <file>      Output shapefile records information
convert-geojson [options] <file>   Convert shapefile to GeoJson
build-index [options] <fileOrDir>  Build index for shapefile
reproject [options] <file>         Re-project shapefile to a specific SRS
serve [options] <fileOrDir>             Launch a server for exploring shapefile(s) on browser

Show Header

Show header help

node index.js show-header --help

Usage: show-header [options] <file>


-p, --pretty  output header with pretty table format
-h, --help    output usage information

Example - print a shapefile's header with pretty table format

shapefile-cli show-header ~/Downloads/data/shp/USStates.shp -p
║ fileCode   │ 9994                ║
║ fileLength │ 222344              ║
║ version    │ 1000                ║
║ fileType   │ Polygon             ║
║ minx       │ -178.21502685546875 ║
║ miny       │ 18.924781799316406  ║
║ maxx       │ -66.9698486328125   ║
║ maxy       │ 71.40664672851562   ║

Show Fields

Show fields help

shapefile-cli show-fields --help

Usage: show-fields [options] <file>


-p, --pretty  output fields with a pretty table format
-h, --help    output usage information

Example - print a shapefile's fields info in pretty table format.

shapefile-cli show-fields ~/Downloads/data/shp/USStates.shp -p
║ name       │ type │ length │ decimal ║
║ AREA       │ N    │ 12     │ 3       ║
║ PERIMETER  │ N    │ 12     │ 3       ║
║ STATE_     │ N    │ 11     │ 0       ║
║ STATE_ID   │ N    │ 11     │ 0       ║
║ STATE_NAME │ C    │ 25     │ NaN     ║
║ STATE_FIPS │ C    │ 2      │ NaN     ║
║ SUB_REGION │ C    │ 7      │ NaN     ║
║ STATE_ABBR │ C    │ 2      │ NaN     ║
║ POP1990    │ N    │ 9      │ 0       ║
║ RECID      │ N    │ 9      │ 0       ║

Show Records

Show records help

shapefile-cli show-records --help

Usage: show-records [options] <file>


-l, --limit <n>        returning records limit. accept any number. 0 means all records. default to 10
-c, --columns <items>  returning columns include in the results. Multiple columns are supported by separater ",". Default to all columns
-g, --geom             includes geometry in the returned content
-p, --pretty           output records with a pretty table format
-h, --help             output usage information

Example - print a shpefiles's top 10 records info with field name STATE_NAME, RECID and geometry in pretty table format.

shapefile-cli show-records ~/Downloads/data/shp/USStates.shp -g -l 10 -c STATE_NAME,RECID

║ STATE_NAME   │ RECID │ geom                           ║
║ Washington   │ 1     │ [[{"x":-122.40074920654297,... ║
║ Montana      │ 2     │ [[{"x":-111.4746322631836,"... ║
║ Maine        │ 3     │ [[{"x":-69.77778625488281,"... ║
║ North Dakota │ 4     │ [[{"x":-98.73005676269531,"... ║
║ South Dakota │ 5     │ [[{"x":-102.78793334960938,... ║
║ Wyoming      │ 6     │ [[{"x":-104.05310821533203,... ║
║ Wisconsin    │ 7     │ [[{"x":-87.74845123291016,"... ║
║ Idaho        │ 8     │ [[{"x":-117.02530670166016,... ║
║ Vermont      │ 9     │ [[{"x":-73.25850677490234,"... ║
║ Minnesota    │ 10    │ [[{"x":-91.73021697998047,"... ║

Reading complete. 10/51 record(s)

 - set option -l, --limit to 0 to read all records
 - use option -g, --geom to 0 to read all records with geometry
 - use option -p, --pretty to return data with pretty table format
 - use option -c, --column to return necessary fields. e.g. -c field1,field2 returns two fields

Convert to GeoJson

Convert shapefile to GeoJSON format help

shapefile-cli convert-geojson --help

Usage: convert-geojson [options] <file>


-c, --columns <items>  returning columns include in the results. Multiple columns are supported by separater ",". Default to all columns
-o, --output <value>   output file path. If only directory is specified, the same file name will be used. Default to the same folder of the sourceShapefile
-h, --help             output usage information

Example - converts a shapefile to GeoJson format.

shapefile-cli convert-geojson ./tests/data/USStates.shp

Conversion complete. New file is saved at ./tests/data/USStates.json.

Build index

Build spatial index help

shapefile-cli build-index --help

Usage: build-index [options] <fileOrDir>


-w, --overwrite  Overwrite if index files exist. Default is "false"
-h, --help       output usage information


Re-project from current coordinate system to another help

shapefile-cli reproject --help

Usage: reproject [options] <file>


--outputSrs <outputSrs>  [Required] The target SRS. It is required
--sourceSrs <sourceSrs>  the source SRS. If .prj file doesn't exist, this option will be applied as source SRS
-o, --output <output>    the output shapefile path. Default is the source file name with "_[targetSRS]" suffix
-w, --overwrite          overwrite if index files exist. Default is "false"
-h, --help               output usage information

Launch a server

Launch a server for exploring shapefile on browser.

shapefile-cli reproject --help

Usage: serve [options] <fileOrDir>


-p, --port <port>  the server port exposed to browse, default port is 3000
-h, --help         output usage information

Take a look at a screenshot of serving a specific directory: shapefile-cli-serve


Contact [email protected] or submit an issue.


This is a command line tool to help to inspect a specified shapefile. It provides function to inspect a specified shapefile's header, fields, records etc.







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