Figure-generating code for the XX article, "Preventing SARS-CoV-2 superspreading events with antiviral intranasal sprays" by Booth, G et al.
Each figure is produced by a series of Jupyter Notebooks:
- Figure 3a: The impact of time-to-intervention on the number of infections.
- Figure 3b: Intervention coverage vs efficacy on the percentage of infections averted
- Figure 3c: Percentage of infections averted as a function of treatment efficacy, varying passenger and crew coverage
- Figures 4a-c: SPHH contact network and weighted contact matrix
- Figures 4e-h: Treatment adherence vs dosing regimen, and its impact on the number of infections averted
- Figure 5: Reduction in individual risk following treatment administration.
Click here for the Diamond cruise ship transmission models.
Click here for the SPHH conference transmission model.