A simple command line interface (CLI) application to manage your tasks. You can add, update, delete, and mark tasks as done or in-progress.
- Add new tasks
- Update existing tasks
- Delete tasks
- Mark tasks as in-progress or done
- List all tasks or filter by status
- Python 3.x
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/gkavinrajanCodes/CLI
The application can be run from the command line using the following syntax:
python task-cli.py <command> [<args>]
- Add a new task:
python task-cli.py add "Task description"
- Update a task:
python task-cli.py update <id> "New task description"
- Delete a task:
python task-cli.py delete <id>
- Mark a task as in-progress:
python task-cli.py mark-in-progress <id>
- Mark a task as done:
python task-cli.py mark-done <id>
- List all tasks:
python task-cli.py list
- List tasks by status:
python task-cli.py list <status>
- Add a task:
python task-cli.py add "Buy groceries" Output: Task added successfully (ID: 1)
- Update a task:
python task-cli.py update 1 "Buy groceries and cook dinner" Output: Task updated successfully (ID: 1)
- Delete a task:
python task-cli.py delete 1 Output: Task deleted successfully (ID: 1)
Feel free to submit issues or pull requests for improvements and new features.