A Pixel Art Template for projects with godot 4.x
A simple Main Menu and Placeholder Scene for quick start into prototyping that can also easily be alterted.
The Main Menu has three buttons: Game, Options and Quit, where the first two load the Placeholder
Scene and the last quits the applications.
The Placeholder Scene has a back button, that by default goes back to the Main Menu, however any
scene can be specified in the exported variable
This includes the following editor settings:
- for non-blurry asset imports: General > Rendering > Textures > Canvas Textures > Default Texture Filter = Nearest
- for pixel snapping: General > Rendering > 2D > Snap > Snap 2D Transforms to Pixel
- for pixel snapping: General > Rendering > 2D > Snap > Snap 2D Vertices to Pixel
- show pixel grid in 2D: Toggle Grid Snapping (Shift + G) and configure snapping options (three dots symbol to the right)
- snap to pixel grid in 2D: Toggle Smart Snapping (Shift + S)
An autoload
for global variables (path to scenes, ...) and utility
functions (changing scenes safely, ...)
Entry for the Game Off 2022: Gnop.
This repository uses the free, basic pixel art fonts made available from Pixel Overload. Feel free to check out Pixel Overloads full package,
that contains some really cool desings.
Also make sure, when importing new fonts to set Antialiasing
to None