- Grant Menke,
- Lieba Pil,
- Doran Smith,
- Joseph Venable
- This is a full CRUD browser-based program.
- This was conceptualized, coded, and deployed as a team in one week.
- This WebApp allows you to share your favorite books with other users.
- Users are able to leave reviews for other users.
- Users are able to create private lists for reviewing later.
- Users are able to navigate to the Google Book Store if they would like to purchase a specific book.
- PostreSQL
- Express.js
- React.js
- Node.js
- Heroku
- Navigate to Deployed Project.
- Create an account. Email must include an "@" symbol.
- Search for any book, and click on it to add the book to a shared library on the Home page.
- Click on "Make A Suggestion List" and "Add to Personal List" to create a list tied to your user.
- Click "Save List" to save and close the list. It will render in the My Lists Page.
- Feel Free to browse and like books. Any book with -1 likes will be deleted from the shared library.
Screenshots of Deployed 1.0
- Seed database with books pulled from an external API.
- Add a 'Reviews' model associated with both books and users.
- Allow Users to create and view reviews for books.
- Refactor Books to be able to include other products.
- When mapping through products, sort by average review.
- Update Average rating when user submits a review
- Improve User Authentication
- Google Books Api.
- Then() syntax used in ProductCard.jsx.
- Opening Links in a newTab.
- Logos Designed Using Canva