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SIGHT@HKUST Soft Keyboard



The Soft Keyboard project was initiated with the aim of providing MPS-afflicted people with special mathematics input functionality. This is especially useful for students who need to use a computer to complete maths homework and exams, or even need special assistance from another person to do so.

Getting Started

These instructions will get the project ready for development, testing, and live usage.


  • JavaSE-1.8
  • Eclipse Mars -- Other text editors/IDEs with Java support may be used instead. This guide will assume that Eclipse Mars is the IDE being used.

Setting up

  1. Open a terminal and type git clone, or download the repository directly.
  2. Launch Eclipse Mars. If this is the first time Eclipse Mars is launched, follow the on-screen directions to complete its initial setup.
  3. Select File -> Import... -> General -> Existing Projects into Workspace -> click Next to proceed -> Select root directory's Browse option -> <path-to-root-of-project> -> OK -> Finish.
  4. Right click Soft Keyboard/res, then select Build Path -> Use as Source Folder.
  5. Select Soft Keyboard/src, and then click Run.



This package includes the UI and main functionality of the Soft Keyboard.


This package includes several helper functions for typing and scaling images.


Prediction functionality is included in the prediction package. However, due to constraints set by the HKEAA where prediction-based functionalities cannot be used during public examinations, this package's development has been discontinued.

Testing with afflicted patients

To open the testing interface, navigate to Soft Keyboard/testing interface, and open index.html. The name of the test taker has to be filled in prior to starting the test.

The test can be started by either pressing Start or simply typing into one of the text areas. The time taken for each part will automatically be recorded, and once a part has successfully been completed, it will turn green, and changes made to that part will not be recorded.
