This is an ecommerce demo using heroku!
It’s a WIP.
Errors and incomplete usability is expected!
Check live: is a free dyno so warmup time is huge!)
- spec
- XTDB with postgresql
- hiccup
- ring
- reitit
- shadow-cljs
- reagent
- re-frame
You need clojure, clojurescript and shadow-cljs installed.
To run in your localhost, you must have a postgresql installed. Or you can use a docker image.
docker pull postgres
docker run --name container-name -e POSTGRES_USER=user -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -e POSTGRES_DB=userdb -p 5432:5432 -d postgres
If you use other configuration for host, port, username, password and db you must set an JDBC_DATABASE_URL env variable.
export POSTGRES_USER=<psql user name>
export POSTGRES_HOST=<psql host address>
export POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<psql password>
export POSTGRES_DB=<psql db name>
Set web port:
export PORT=<port number>
Clone the repo and run:
git clone
cd hekommerce
npm install
shadow-cljs release :hekommerce
clojure -M:run-server $PORT
- [ ] TESTS
- [ ] Improve specs validations and parsing
- [ ] Add products api
- [ ] Add js/webStorage
- [ ] Add integrant