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Mulling committed Dec 13, 2023
1 parent 26ed5ff commit fff31b9
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Expand Up @@ -157,7 +157,27 @@ With a little bit of massagin', we can make the final solution 3 loc, tho, It do
import Data.List

main :: IO ()
main = interact (show . sum . map ((2 ^) . pred) . filter (> 0) . (length . uncurry intersect . (\(a, b) -> (read <$> words a, read <$> words (tail b)) :: ([Int], [Int])) . span (/= '|') . tail . dropWhile (/= ':') <$>) . lines)
main =
( show
. sum
. map ((2 ^) . pred)
. filter (> 0)
. ( length
. uncurry intersect
. ( \(a, b) ->
( read <$> words a,
read <$> words (tail b)
) ::
([Int], [Int])
. span (/= '|')
. tail
. dropWhile (/= ':')
. lines

### Part 2
Expand All @@ -166,5 +186,124 @@ This took some helping to run in a decent time...
import Data.List

main :: IO ()
main = interact (show . sum . foldr ((\i acc -> 1 + sum (take i acc) : acc) . (length . uncurry intersect . \(a, b) -> (read <$> words a, read <$> words (tail b)) :: ([Int], [Int])) . span (/= '|') . tail . dropWhile (/= ':')) [] . lines)
main =
( show
. sum
. foldr
( (\i acc -> 1 + sum (take i acc) : acc)
. ( length . uncurry intersect . \(a, b) ->
( read
<$> words a,
read <$> words (tail b)
) ::
([Int], [Int])
. span (/= '|')
. tail
. dropWhile (/= ':')
. lines

## Day 5
### Part 1
Pretty boring day, 90% of this is parsing -- and preprocessing for part 2. Instead of using Parsec, I've made my own Applicative parser.

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -Wextra #-}

import Control.Applicative
import Data.Char

data R a = R (a, String) | E deriving (Show)

newtype P a = P (String -> R a)

parse :: P a -> String -> R a
parse (P a) = a

instance Functor R where
fmap _ E = E
fmap f (R (a, xs)) = R (f a, xs)

instance Functor P where
fmap f p = P $ fmap f . parse p

instance Applicative P where
pure a = P $ \xs -> R (a, xs)
p' <*> p'' = P $ \xs -> f <$> parse p' $ xs
f (R (a, xs)) = parse (a <$> p'') xs
f E = E

instance Alternative P where
empty = P $ const E
p' <|> p'' = P $ \xs -> f xs <$> parse p' $ xs
f xs E = parse p'' xs
f _ (R (a, xs)) = R (a, xs)

char :: (Char -> Bool) -> P Char
char f = P f'
f' (x : xs) | f x = R (x, xs)
f' _ = E

token :: P a -> P a
token p = w *> p <* w
w = many . char $ isSpace

string :: String -> P String
string = foldr (\x -> (<*>) $ (:) <$> char (== x)) $ pure []

numbers :: P [Int]
numbers = token $ many $ read <$> (some . char) isDigit <* char isSpace

identifier :: String -> P String
identifier = token . string

newtype Range = Range (Int, Int, Int) deriving (Show)

seeds :: P [Int]
seeds = identifier "seeds:" *> numbers

ranges :: String -> P [Range]
ranges xs = go <$> (identifier xs *> numbers)
go (t : f : r : xs') = Range (t, f, r) : go xs'
go _ = []

parser :: P ([Int], [[Range]])
parser =
<$> seeds
<*> ranges "seed-to-soil map:"
<*> ranges "soil-to-fertilizer map:"
<*> ranges "fertilizer-to-water map:"
<*> ranges "water-to-light map:"
<*> ranges "light-to-temperature map:"
<*> ranges "temperature-to-humidity map:"
<*> ranges "humidity-to-location map:"
join a b c d e f g h = (a, [b, c, d, e, f, g, h]) -- Is there a better way to do this ???

mapping :: Int -> [Range] -> Int
mapping s ((Range (t, f, r)) : rs)
| s >= f && s <= f + r - 1 = t + (s - f)
| otherwise = mapping s rs
mapping s [] = s

main :: IO ()
main = interact (show . minimum . liftA2 run fst snd . unpack . parse parser)
unpack (R (r, _)) = r
unpack _ = undefined
run (x : xs) rs = next x rs : run xs rs
run _ _ = []
next s (r : rs) = next (mapping s r) rs
next s _ = s

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