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Daemon and migration tool that manages Postgres cluster using etcd/corosync/pacemaker


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pgsql-cluster-manager CircleCI

pgsql-cluster-manager extends a standard highly-available Postgres setup (managed by Corosync and Pacemaker) enabling its use in cloud environments where using using floating IPs to denote the primary node is difficult or impossible. In addition, pgsql-cluster-manager provides the ability to run zero-downtime failover of the Postgres primary with a simple API trigger.

See Playground for how to start a Dockerised three node Postgres cluster with pgsql-cluster-manager.


GoCardless runs a highly available Postgres cluster using Corosync and Pacemaker. Corosync provides an underlying quorum mechanism while pacemaker provides the ability to register plugins that can manage arbitrary services, detecting and recovering from node and service-level failures.

The typical Postgres setup with Corosync & Pacemaker uses a floating IP attached to the Postgres primary node. Clients connect to this IP, and during failover the IP is moved to the new primary. Managing portable IPs in Cloud providers such as AWS and GCP is more difficult than a classic data center, and so we built pgsql-cluster-manager to adapt our cluster for these environments.

pgsql-cluster-manager makes use of etcd to store cluster configuration, which can then be used by clients to connect to the appropriate node. We can view pgsql-cluster-manager as two distinct services:

  • proxy ensures our Postgres proxy (PgBouncer) is reloaded with the current primary IP, using etcd as the authoritative source
  • supervise runs on our Postgres nodes, extracting data from pacemaker and pushing it into etcd. In addition, supervise provides a gRPC API that can be used to trigger manual failover

The final component is the failover command, which speaks to the supervise processes to trigger a manual failover.


We have created a Dockerised sandbox environment that boots a three node Postgres cluster with the pgsql-cluster-manager services installed. We strongly recommend playing around in this environment to develop an understanding of how this setup works and to simulate failure situations (network partitions, node crashes, etc).

It also helps to have this playground running while reading through the README, in order to try out the commands you see along the way.

First install Docker and Golang >=1.9, then run:

# Clone into your GOPATH
$ git clone
$ cd pgsql-cluster-manager
$ make bin/pgcm.linux_amd64

$ cd docker/postgres-member && ./start
Sending build context to Docker daemon 4.332 MB
Step 1/16 : FROM gocardless/pgsql-cluster-manager

root@pg01:/# crm_mon -Afr -1

Node Attributes:
* Node pg01:
    + Postgresql-data-status            : STREAMING|SYNC
    + Postgresql-status                 : HS:sync
    + master-Postgresql                 : 100
* Node pg02:
    + Postgresql-data-status            : STREAMING|POTENTIAL
    + Postgresql-status                 : HS:potential
    + master-Postgresql                 : -INFINITY
* Node pg03:
    + Postgresql-data-status            : LATEST
    + Postgresql-master-baseline        : 0000000002000090
    + Postgresql-status                 : PRI
    + master-Postgresql                 : 1000

root@pg01:/# ping pg03 -c1 | head -n1
PING pg03 ( 56(84) bytes of data.

root@pg01:/# ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl get --prefix /

The start script will boot three Postgres nodes with the appropriate configuration, and will start a full Postgres cluster. The script (for convenience) will enter you into a docker shell in pg01. Connecting to any of the other containers can be achieved with docker exec -it pg0X /bin/bash.

Node Roles

The pgsql-cluster-manager services are expected to run on two types of machine: the nodes that are members of the Postgres cluster, and the machines that will host applications which will connect to the cluster.

Two node types, Postgres and App machines

To explain how this setup works, we'll use an example of three machines (pg01, pg02, pg03) to run the Postgres cluster and one machine (app01) to run our client application. To match a typical production environment, let's imagine we want to run a docker container on app01 and have that container connect to our Postgres cluster, while being resilient to Postgres failover.

It's worth noting that our playground configures only nodes of the Postgres type, as this is sufficient to test out and play with the cluster. In production you'd run app nodes so that applications can connect to the local PgBouncer, which in turn knows how to route to the primary.

For playing around, it's totally fine to connect to one of the cluster nodes PgBouncers directly from your host machine.

Postgres Nodes

In this hypothetical world we've provisioned our Postgres boxes with corosync, pacemaker and Postgres, and additionally the following services:

  • PgBouncer for connection pooling and proxying to the current primary
  • etcd as a queryable store of cluster state, connecting to provide a three node etcd cluster

We then run the supervise service as a daemon, which will continually query pacemaker to pull the current Postgres primary IP address and push this value to etcd. Once we're pushing this value to etcd, we can use the proxy service to subscribe to changes and update the local PgBouncer with the new value. We do this by provisioning a PgBouncer configuration template file that looks like the following:

# /etc/pgbouncer/pgbouncer.ini.template

postgres = host={{.Host}} pool_size=10

Whenever the supervise service pushes a new IP address to etcd, the proxy service will render this template and replace any {{.Host}} placeholder with the latest Postgres primary IP address, finally reloading PgBouncer to direct connections at the new primary.

We can verify that supervise is pushing the IP address by using etcdctl to inspect the contents of our etcd cluster. We should find the current Postgres primary IP address has been pushed to the key we have configured for pgsql-cluster-manager

root@pg01:/$ ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl get --prefix /

App Nodes

We now have the Postgres nodes running PgBouncer proxies that live-update their configuration to point connections to the latest Postgres primary. Our aim is now to have app clients inside docker containers to connect to our Postgres cluster without having to introduce routing decisions into the client code.

To do this, we install PgBouncer onto app01 and bind to the host's private interface. We then allow traffic from the docker network interface to the private interface on the host, so that containers can communicate with the PgBouncer on the host.

Finally we configure app01's PgBouncer with a configuration template as we did with the Postgres machines, and run the proxy service to continually update PgBouncer to point at the latest primary. Containers then connect via the docker host IP to PgBouncer, which will transparently direct connections to the correct Postgres node.

root@app01:/$ cat <EOF >/etc/pgbouncer/pgbouncer.ini.template
postgres = host={{.Host}}

root@app01:/$ service pgcm-proxy start
pgcm-proxy start/running, process 6997

root@app01:/$ service pgbouncer start
 * Starting PgBouncer pgbouncer

root@app01:/$ tail /var/log/pgsql-cluster-manager/proxy.log | grep HostChanger

root@app01:/$ tail /var/log/postgresql/pgbouncer.log | grep "RELOAD"
2018-12-20 12:46:28.218 3232 LOG RELOAD command issued

# Attempt to connect via the docker bridge IP
root@app01:/$ docker run -it --rm jbergknoff/postgresql-client postgresql://[email protected]:6432/postgres
psql (9.6.5, server 9.4.14)
Type "help" for help.


Zero-Downtime Failover

It's inevitable over the lifetime of a database cluster that machines will need upgrading, and services restarting. It's not acceptable for such routine tasks to require downtime, so pgsql-cluster-manager provides an API to trigger failover of the Postgres primary without disrupting database clients.

This API is served by the supervise service, which should be run on all the Postgres nodes participating in the cluster. It's important to note that this flow is only supported when all database clients are using PgBouncer transaction pools in order to support pausing connections. Any clients that use session pools will need to be turned off for the duration of the failover.

  1. Acquire lock in etcd (ensuring only one failover takes place at a time)
  2. Pause all PgBouncer pools on Postgres nodes
  3. Instruct Pacemaker to perform failover of primary to sync node
  4. Once the sync node is serving traffic as a primary, resume PgBouncer pools
  5. Release etcd lock

This flow is encoded in the Run method in the Run method, and looks like this:


As the primary moves machine, the supervise service will push the new IP address to etcd. The proxy services running in the Postgres and App nodes will detect this change and update PgBouncer to point at the new primary IP, while the failover flow will detect this change in step (4) and resume PgBouncer to allow queries to start once more.

root@pg01:/$ pgcm --config-file /etc/pgsql-cluster-manager/config.toml failover
config_file=/etc/pgsql-cluster-manager/config.toml event=config_file.loading
config_file=/etc/pgsql-cluster-manager/config.toml event=config_file.loaded hash=1.5370943342052e+14
event=client.connecting endpoint=pg01:8080
event=client.connecting endpoint=pg02:8080
event=client.connecting endpoint=pg03:8080
event=clients.health_check msg="health checking all clients"
event=etcd.lock.acquire msg="acquiring failover lock in etcd"
event=clients.pgbouncer.pause msg="requesting all pgbouncers pause"
event=clients.pgbouncer.pause endpoint=pg02:8080 elapsed=0.0066053
event=clients.pgbouncer.pause endpoint=pg03:8080 elapsed=0.0070081
event=clients.pgbouncer.pause endpoint=pg01:8080 elapsed=0.0087637
event=clients.pacemaker.migrate endpoint=pg02:8080 msg="requesting pacemaker migration"
event=clients.pacemaker.migrate endpoint=pg02:8080 key=/master target= msg="waiting for etcd to update with master key"
keys=/master event=watch.start
keys=/master event=poll.start
keys=/master event=poll.start
key=/master value= revision=2 event=stale_revision previous=2
keys=/master event=poll.start
key=/master value= revision=2 event=stale_revision previous=2
keys=/master event=poll.start
key=/master value= revision=2 event=stale_revision previous=2
keys=/master event=poll.start
key=/master value= revision=2 event=stale_revision previous=2
keys=/master event=poll.start
key=/master value= revision=2 event=stale_revision previous=2
keys=/master event=poll.start
key=/master value= revision=2 event=stale_revision previous=2
event=clients.pacemaker.migrate endpoint=pg02:8080 msg="observed successful migration" master=pg03
event=clients.pacemaker.unmigrate endpoint=pg01:8080 msg="requesting pacemaker unmigrate"
event=clients.pgbouncer.resume msg="requesting all pgbouncers resume"
event=clients.pgbouncer.resume endpoint=pg03:8080 elapsed=0.0064509
event=clients.pgbouncer.resume endpoint=pg02:8080 elapsed=0.007664
event=clients.pgbouncer.resume endpoint=pg01:8080 elapsed=0.0082347
event=etcd.lock.release msg="releasing failover lock in etcd"

This flow is subject to several timeouts that should be tuned to match your pacemaker cluster settings. See pgcm failover --help for an explanation of each timeout and how it affects the failover. This flow can be run from anywhere that has access to the etcd and Postgres failover API.

The Postgres node that was originally the primary is now turned off, and won't rejoin the cluster until the lockfile is removed. You can bring the node back into the cluster by doing the following:

root@pg02:/$ rm /var/lib/postgresql/9.4/tmp/PGSQL.lock
root@pg02:/$ crm resource cleanup msPostgresql


We recommand configuring pgsql-cluster-manager using a TOML configuration file. You can generate a sample configuration file with the default values for each paramter by running the following:

$ pgcm show-config >/etc/pgsql-cluster-manager/config.toml


The test environment is a good basis for configuring pacemaker with the pgsql resource agent, and gives an example of cluster configuration that will bootstrap a Postgres cluster.

We load pacemaker configuration in tests from the configure_pacemaker function in start-cluster.bash, though we advise thinking carefully about what appropriate timeouts might be for your setup.

The pgsql resource agent has been modified to remove the concept of a primary floating IP. Anyone looking to use this cluster without a floating IP will need to use the modified agent from this repo, which renders the primary's actual IP directly into Postgres' recovery.conf and reboots database replicas when the primary changes (required, given Postgres cannot live reload recovery.conf changes).



We build a custom Docker image for CircleCI builds that is hosted at gocardless/pgsql-cluster-manager-circleci on Docker Hub. The Dockerfile lives at .circleci/Dockerfile, and there is a make target to build and push the image.

To publish a new version of the Docker image, run:

make publish-circleci-dockerfile


We use goreleaser to create releases for pgsql-cluster-manager. This enables us to effortlessly create new releases with all associated artifacts to various destinations, such as GitHub and homebrew taps.

To generate a new release, you must first tag the desired release commit and then run goreleaser with a GitHub token for an account with write access to this repo.

git tag v0.0.5 HEAD
GITHUB_TOKEN="..." goreleaser