This repository contains the base or "Core" images from which all other App Streaming images are derived.
docker run --rm -e IDLE_TIMEOUT=900 --shm-size="1gb" -e VNC_PW=password -p 6901:6901<date>
The container is now accessible via a browser : https://<IP>:6901
- User :
- Password:
Before running ./, prepare the KasmVNC debian package and copy into src/kasmvncserver.deb
cd ../KasmVNC #Checked out from [email protected]:goldenhelix/KasmVNC.git
./builder/build-package debian bookworm
# To fix permission issue
cp /tmp/kasmvnc.debian_bookworm.tar.gz builder/build/
./builder/build-deb debian bookworm
cp builder/build/bookworm/kasmvncserver_1.3.2-1_amd64.deb ../appstream-core-images/src/kasmvncserver.deb