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Good Form

I'll walk through 3 examples of what I consider good form coding. Everything is code I have written - in a variety of languages and frameworks. Over the past 8 years, I have been working on proprietary and private software repos and I would love to open everything up to showcase - I'm bound by nondisclosure agreements.

If there is anything specific you would like to see, please let me know and I can try and get clearance to release it in full or in part.

Other languages I have extensive experience with that I can give full examples for: PHP, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Python, BASH, Mathematica, GoLang and more.

Example 1: golang, AngularJS, Node, Postgres

View this project:

See the complete project source:

(see go/src/ path for most of my original work)

This project was called Radiobox. I was a co-founder and the head developer of this project. The idea was a live-streaming backend delievered via AngularJS on desktop and a native iOS app on mobile.

Some basics of this project:

  • GruntJS build process (minifying, condensing and compbining all external and internal libs).

  • The demo link was used for development. The production site had a compressed minified JS file.

  • Golang and stretr web framework (extremely fast http response).

  • Single page AngularJS web application. The web page, CSS is served up statically, then the JS (angular router) calls the API to populate lists, boxes, etc.

  • Statically served archived audio files. Everything lives on AWS S3.

  • Live audio was delivered via Akamai CDN.

  • Responsive web design.

  • Religiously included all library dependencies and hard baked them into the repo. 3rd part repo updates have really bitten us in the pase.

Example Snippet 1:

I chose angular's router to handle all pages. Here was is a snippet of the router declaration:


  • We use indentation for readability. Inline comments go a long way for a new developer, or when visiting this code months or years later.

  • Promises are used where possible to avoid nested callback hell.

  • Due to the early version of Angular Router, we had to code in exceptions for trailing slashes and searching when a path was not found.

 * Defines the main routes in the application.
 * The routes you see here will be anchors '#/' unless specifically configured otherwise.

define(['app'], function(app) {
    'use strict';
    return app.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider, $locationProvider) {

        /* ***** TRAILING SLASHES *****   */

        $urlRouterProvider.rule(function($injector, $location) {
            var path = $location.path()
                // Note: misnomer. This returns a query object, not a search string
                , search = $
                , params
            // check to see if the path already ends in '/'
            if (path[path.length - 1] === '/') {
            // If there was no search string / query params, return with a `/`
            if (Object.keys(search).length === 0) {
                return path + '/';
            // Otherwise build the search string and return a `/?` prefix
            params = [];
            angular.forEach(search, function(v, k){
                params.push(k + '=' + v);
            return path + '/?' + params.join('&');
        /* ***** BEGIN ROUTES  *****   */

        var root = {
            name: 'root',
            abstract: true,
            url: '',
            views: {
                'header@': {
                    templateUrl: '/partials/header.tpl.html'
                'footer@': {
                    templateUrl: '/partials/footer.tpl.html'

        var hello = {
            name: 'hello',
            parent: root,
            url: '/',
            onEnter: function() {
            onExit: function() {

            views: {
                'content@': {
                    templateUrl: '/partials/hello.tpl.html',
                    controller: 'helloCtrl'

        var userRoot = {
            name: 'userRoot',
            parent: root,
            views: {
                'content@': {
                    templateUrl: '/partials/user.tpl.html'


        /* SLUG ROUTING */

        var routeSlug = function ($injector, $location) {
            var parts = $location.path().replace(/^\/|\/$/g, '').split('/');
            var rs = $injector.get('rootService');
            var $http = $injector.get('$http');
            var $state = $injector.get('$state');
            var url = $location.url();
                    // Here we look through states set in the stateProvider to find out if the subview in the url exists. If not, it goes to the default for the slug. If the slug type does not have a view in the allowed array it will go to search.
                    var target =;
                    var allowed = [
                    if(allowed.indexOf(data.response.type) != -1){
                        var newState = data.response.type;
                        if($state.get(newState + '.' + parts[1]))
                            newState += '.' + parts[1];
                        rs.slugTarget =;
                        $state.go(newState,{}, {location:false});
                    } else {



        /* ***** END ROUTES  *****   */


Example 2: iOS Cocoa (Objective C)

See a sample of source implemented in several iOS apps:

Objective C is strange. Syntactically, accessing properites with a dot, and passing arguments between [] separated by a space is difficult to love. However, I do enjoy the delegate design pattern. And Apple's Cocoa/Touch API is fun to work with.

Below is an example of a class I wrote to log into a RESTful JSON API and pass authenticated and un-authenticated GET, POST and PUT methods to the backend. It was designed to be a singleton (one instance only) and pass things off to an Authentication Service that actually makes the NSURLSessionDataTask call.

example2 API Client code overrides classes in AFHTTPSessionManager.

I regard this a representative code because it emobodies object oriented structure, implements encapsulation and adheres to separation of concern design.

I would love to show the user interface for the iOS apps I built that use these classes, but I am bound by NDA and Copyright restrictions from doing so.

#import "VXApiClient.h"
#import "VXAppDelegate.h"
#import <AFNetworking.h>
#import <SSKeychain/SSKeychain.h>
#import <TSMessage.h>

@implementation VXApiClient {


+ (id)sharedInstance {
    static VXApiClient *sharedInstance = nil;
    static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
    dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
        sharedInstance = [[self alloc] initWithBaseURL:[NSURL URLWithString:kVXApiURL]];
    return sharedInstance;

- (id)initWithBaseURL:(NSURL *)url
    self = [super initWithBaseURL:url];
        return nil;

    self.rootViewController = [VXAppDelegate sharedInstance].rootViewController;
    self.loginViewController = [[UIStoryboard storyboardWithName:@"Main" bundle:nil] instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:@"LoginViewController"];
    self.loginViewController.delegate = self;
    return self;

- (NSURLSessionDataTask *)dataTaskWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request
                            completionHandler:(void (^)(NSURLResponse *response, id responseObject, NSError *error))completionHandler

    //reset headers
    [[self requestSerializer] setValue:nil forHTTPHeaderField:@"X-AUTH-TOKEN"];
    [[self requestSerializer] setValue:nil forHTTPHeaderField:@"X-AUTH-EMAIL"];
    return [super dataTaskWithRequest:request completionHandler:completionHandler];

- (NSURLSessionDataTask *)authPOST:(NSString *)URLString parameters:(id)parameters success:(void ( ^ ) ( NSURLSessionDataTask *task , id responseObject ))success failure:(void ( ^ ) ( NSURLSessionDataTask *task , NSError *error ))failure {
    NSURLSessionDataTask* (^authPOSTBlock)(NSString*, id, SuccessBlock, FailBlock) = ^ NSURLSessionDataTask* (NSString *aURLString, id aParameters, SuccessBlock aSuccess, FailBlock aFailure ) {
        [[self requestSerializer] setValue:[VXAppDelegate sharedInstance].currentUser.authenticationToken forHTTPHeaderField:@"X-AUTH-TOKEN"];
        [[self requestSerializer] setValue:[VXAppDelegate sharedInstance] forHTTPHeaderField:@"X-AUTH-EMAIL"];
        return [self POST:aURLString parameters:aParameters success:aSuccess failure:aFailure];
    if (![VXAppDelegate sharedInstance].currentUser) {
        [self doLoginAndPassRunBlock:^{
            authPOSTBlock(URLString, parameters, success, failure);
        NSURLSessionDataTask *dummyTask = [[NSURLSessionDataTask alloc] init];
        return dummyTask;
    } else {
        return authPOSTBlock(URLString, parameters, success, failure);

- (NSURLSessionDataTask *)authPUT:(NSString *)URLString parameters:(id)parameters success:(void ( ^ ) ( NSURLSessionDataTask *task , id responseObject ))success failure:(void ( ^ ) ( NSURLSessionDataTask *task , NSError *error ))failure {
    NSURLSessionDataTask* (^authPUTBlock)(NSString*, id, SuccessBlock, FailBlock) = ^ NSURLSessionDataTask* (NSString *aURLString, id aParameters, SuccessBlock aSuccess, FailBlock aFailure ) {
        [[self requestSerializer] setValue:[VXAppDelegate sharedInstance].currentUser.authenticationToken forHTTPHeaderField:@"X-AUTH-TOKEN"];
        [[self requestSerializer] setValue:[VXAppDelegate sharedInstance] forHTTPHeaderField:@"X-AUTH-EMAIL"];
        return [self PUT:aURLString parameters:aParameters success:aSuccess failure:aFailure];
    if (![VXAppDelegate sharedInstance].currentUser) {
        [self doLoginAndPassRunBlock:^{
            authPUTBlock(URLString, parameters, success, failure);
        NSURLSessionDataTask *dummyTask = [[NSURLSessionDataTask alloc] init];
        return dummyTask;
    } else {
        return authPUTBlock(URLString, parameters, success, failure);

- (NSURLSessionDataTask *)authDELETE:(NSString *)URLString parameters:(id)parameters success:(void ( ^ ) ( NSURLSessionDataTask *task , id responseObject ))success failure:(void ( ^ ) ( NSURLSessionDataTask *task , NSError *error ))failure {
    NSURLSessionDataTask* (^authDELETEBlock)(NSString*, id, SuccessBlock, FailBlock) = ^ NSURLSessionDataTask* (NSString *aURLString, id aParameters, SuccessBlock aSuccess, FailBlock aFailure ) {
        [[self requestSerializer] setValue:[VXAppDelegate sharedInstance].currentUser.authenticationToken forHTTPHeaderField:@"X-AUTH-TOKEN"];
        [[self requestSerializer] setValue:[VXAppDelegate sharedInstance] forHTTPHeaderField:@"X-AUTH-EMAIL"];
        return [self DELETE:aURLString parameters:aParameters success:aSuccess failure:aFailure];
    if (![VXAppDelegate sharedInstance].currentUser) {
        [self doLoginAndPassRunBlock:^{
            authDELETEBlock(URLString, parameters, success, failure);
        NSURLSessionDataTask *dummyTask = [[NSURLSessionDataTask alloc] init];
        return dummyTask;
    } else {
        return authDELETEBlock(URLString, parameters, success, failure);

- (NSURLSessionDataTask *)authGET:(NSString *)URLString parameters:(id)parameters success:(void ( ^ ) ( NSURLSessionDataTask *task , id responseObject ))success failure:(void ( ^ ) ( NSURLSessionDataTask *task , NSError *error ))failure {

    NSURLSessionDataTask* (^authGETBlock)(NSString*, id, SuccessBlock, FailBlock) = ^ NSURLSessionDataTask* (NSString *aURLString, id aParameters, SuccessBlock aSuccess, FailBlock aFailure ) {
        [[self requestSerializer] setValue:[VXAppDelegate sharedInstance].currentUser.authenticationToken forHTTPHeaderField:@"X-AUTH-TOKEN"];
        [[self requestSerializer] setValue:[VXAppDelegate sharedInstance] forHTTPHeaderField:@"X-AUTH-EMAIL"];
        return [self GET:aURLString parameters:aParameters success:aSuccess failure:aFailure];
    if (![VXAppDelegate sharedInstance].currentUser) {
        [self doLoginAndPassRunBlock:^{
            authGETBlock(URLString, parameters, success, failure);
        NSURLSessionDataTask *dummyTask = [[NSURLSessionDataTask alloc] init];
        return dummyTask;

    } else {
        return authGETBlock(URLString, parameters, success, failure);

- (void) authenticateWithEmail:(NSString *)email password:(NSString *)password success:(void ( ^ ) ( NSURLSessionDataTask *task , id responseObject ))success failure:(void ( ^ ) ( NSURLSessionDataTask *task , NSError *error ))failure {
    NSDictionary *parameters = @{@"email": email, @"password": password};
    [self POST:kSessionFormat
    parameters:parameters constructingBodyWithBlock:nil

- (void) dismissBasicLoginModal {
//    [self.loginViewController dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
    [[VXAppDelegate sharedInstance].rootTabBarController dismissModalViewController];

- (void)doLoginAndPassRunBlock:(void (^) (void))runBlock {
    self.loginViewController.successBlock = runBlock;
//    [[VXAppDelegate sharedInstance].rootTabBarController presentViewController:self.loginViewController animated:YES completion:nil];
    [[VXAppDelegate sharedInstance].rootTabBarController showModalViewController:self.loginViewController];


- (void)loginWithEmail:(NSString*)email password:(NSString*)password withBlock:(void (^) (void))runBlock {
    NSDictionary *parameters = @{@"email": email, @"password": password};
    [self POST:kSessionFormat parameters:parameters success:^(NSURLSessionDataTask *task, id responseObject) {
        NSLog(@"%@", responseObject);
        VXUser *user = [[VXUser alloc] init];
        user.authenticationToken = responseObject[@"data"][@"authentication_token"]; = responseObject[@"data"][@"email"];
        user.username = responseObject[@"data"][@"username"]; = responseObject[@"data"][@"name"];

        VXAppDelegate *appDelegate = [VXAppDelegate sharedInstance];
        appDelegate.currentUser = user;

        [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:[NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:user] forKey:@"currentUser"];

        NSLog(@"VXApiClient::loginWithEmail - Attempting to login");
        [self dismissBasicLoginModal];

    } failure:^(NSURLSessionDataTask *task, NSError *error) {
        NSHTTPURLResponse *response = (NSHTTPURLResponse *)task.response;
        NSInteger statuscode = response.statusCode;
        if (statuscode == 401) {
            [TSMessage showNotificationWithTitle:@"Bad Login:" subtitle:@"Bad email or password. Try Again." type:TSMessageNotificationTypeError];
        } else {
            [TSMessage showNotificationWithTitle:@"Error:" subtitle:error.localizedDescription type:TSMessageNotificationTypeError];



Example 3: Java

See a sample of source:

I thoroughly enjoy writing in Java. I like the docs, the style and I actually like the JavaVM. Developing with a proper IDE (I prefer IntelliJ at the moment), I gain probably 3 times the productivity with debugging tools, code hints and more. Something I particularly like when working on a big team is using JavaDocs. When the IDE spits out a tool tip for a method with @params, @return, etc. I get the opportunity to read in regular english what the developer had in mind when writing the function.

Example3 code is a simple JAVA GUI app that reads a database file (plaintext) and allows editing. Its uses full JavaDocs for every method and shows strict code style adhesion - Which by the way, I was required in the spec. to write functions such as If on one line and the following line contains the single { opening brace. I usually like to have the opening brace on the defininition line.

This is a Swing UI app. Very Simple. You can run this java app by compiling with javac and then running via java SongDatabase

The below example shows a model for a music Track. Getters, Setters, private, public. Observe what I think is proper object oriented programming (especaiiyl with Java). There are more complicated controllers in example3, but this shows a pure data model encapsulation. Do check out the more complicated UI handler here.

package project3;

import java.math.BigDecimal;

 * This class is a data model for the track object. It containts simple properties for a track.
 * @author Brandon Gonzales
public class Track

    private String itemCode = "";
    private String description = "";
    private String artist = "";
    private String album = "";
    private BigDecimal price = new BigDecimal("0");

     * Parametrized constructor for creating a track. Simple strings and one BigDecimal (could have been string).
     * @param itemCode  (String) The item code
     * @param description (string) the description (title) of the song.
     * @param artist (String) the artist name
     * @param album (String) the album name
     * @param price (BigDecimal) the price of the track.
    public Track(String itemCode,String description, String artist, String album, BigDecimal price)
        this.itemCode = itemCode;
        this.description = description;
        this.artist = artist;
        this.album = album;
        this.price = price;

     * This constructor is for raw new tracks. Everything is empty or zero.
    public Track()


     * Getters and setters
    public String getItemCode()
        return itemCode;

    public void setItemCode(String itemCode)
        this.itemCode = itemCode;

    public String getDescription()
        return description;

    public void setDescription(String description)
        this.description = description;

    public String getArtist()
        return artist;

    public void setArtist(String artist)
        this.artist = artist;

    public String getAlbum()
        return album;

    public void setAlbum(String album)
        this.album = album;

    public BigDecimal getPrice()
        return price;

    public void setPrice(BigDecimal price)
        this.price = price;

     * This method is special for writitng to the database file. Delimeter is argument with space after for readavility
     * @param delimiter (String) The delimeter between data fields. A space is added for readavility
     * @return (String) of the concatenated delimited row
    public String toFileRow(String delimiter)
        return getItemCode() + delimiter + " " + getDescription() + delimiter + " " + getArtist() + delimiter + " " + getAlbum() + delimiter + " " + getPrice().setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString();


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