Just my small little webblog.
> lsd --tree -I _site
# or without icons
> lsd --tree -I _site --icon never
Build site:
> deno task lume
# or
> deno task build
Serve site:
> deno task serve
Some config files/directorys are ommitet.
. <- root directory
βββ _config.ts <- lume configuration file
βββ deno.json <- deno configuration file
βββ deno.lock <- deno lock file
βββ readme.md <- the readme file
βββ src <- src directory for the website code
βββ _data <- all date
β βββ p.yml <- projects yaml file
βββ _includes <- includes directory
β βββ layouts <- layouts directory
β β βββ a.vto <- article layout
β β βββ b.vto <- base layout
β β βββ p.vto <- page layout
β βββ templates <- templates directory
β βββ l.vto <- list template
β βββ n.vto <- navbar template
βββ a.vto <- the about file
βββ b.vto <- the blog file
βββ index.vto <- the index file
βββ p.vto <- the projects file
βββ b <- blog directory
β βββ _data.yml <- important data for the posts
β βββ *.md <- all markdown files
βββ u <- upload directory
β βββ _data.yml <- data
β βββ *.* <- all uploaded files
βββ s.css <- the main style file