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Logs updates to Kubernetes Objects for storing and querying with Loki


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This simple application is designed to watch Kubernetes objects and log diffs when they occur. It is designed to log changes to Kubernetes objects in a clean way for storage and processing in Loki.


./kubernetes-diff-logger -namespace=default
{"timestamp":"2019-10-23T16:57:23Z","verb":"updated","type":"deployment","notes":"[Replicas: 1 != 2]", "name":"nginx"}}
{"timestamp":"2019-10-23T16:57:35Z","verb":"updated","type":"deployment","notes":"[Template.Spec.Containers.slice[0].Image: nginx != nginx:latest]", "name":"nginx"}}

See Deployment for example yaml to deploy to Kubernetes. The example will monitor and log information about changes in all namespaces.


Usage of ./kubernetes-diff-logger:
  -config string
    	Path to config file.  Required.
  -kubeconfig string
    	Path to a kubeconfig. Only required if out-of-cluster.
    	Log when deployments are added.
    	Log when deployments are deleted.
  -master string
    	The address of the Kubernetes API server. Overrides any value in kubeconfig. Only required if out-of-cluster.
  -namespace string
    	Filter updates by namespace.  Leave empty to watch all.
  -resync duration
    	Periodic interval in which to force resync objects. (default 30s)

Config File

- nameFilter: "*"
  type: "deployment"
- nameFilter: "*"
  type: "statefulset"
- nameFilter: "*"
  type: "daemonset"