A small tool to simplify downloading your BlueJeans recordings. Since Verizon decided to sunset BlueJeans, many people might want to save their recordings. Navigating their website and downloading everything individually is quite cumbersome and requires lots of clicks. This tool does not actually download all the files automatically, but rather provides you with a JSON file containing download links for all your recordings. I thought that most people will not want to download all files and they might be quite large, so simply providing links seemed like an easier solution.
Instructions for people who do not use Python or git regularly:
- Open a terminal
- Check you have python:
python3 --version
should output something - Check you have pip:
python3 -m pip --version
should output something - Using the green button with “<>” on github, select to “Download Zip” and unzip it
- In your terminal, navigate to the downloaded and unzipped folder:
cd Downloads/bjdl
(assuming macOS, adapt as needed - you might be asked for permission to access the Downloads folder) - Execute
python3 -m venv .
- Execute
. ./bin/activate
- if you want to rerun the script later, you need to repeat this step - Execute
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- this installs one needed package - You should now be able to use the script:
python3 main.py
If screen sharing was active, you can not see the meeting participants in the downloaded video. This seems to be a limitation imposed by BlueJeans.