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Segger Install

Greg Pintilie edited this page Jan 30, 2021 · 5 revisions

To install the latest version:

Mode 1, without script:

  1. Download and install Chimera if you haven't already. Start Chimera. This typically does a check that it is as downloaded, i.e. not modified yet. (On MacOS, you may see a warning message on first that it is from an unidentified developer. Click Open Anyway in the dialog; if that option is not there, go to System Settings, Security and Privacy, and you should see the 'Open Anyway' there.)
  • On Windows, install to your home folder rather than to "Program Files". In the latter, the OS may not allow further modifications at a user level, i.e. adding this plugin.
  1. Download and unzip latest version of Segger.
  2. On a Mac, in Finder, navigate to the folder where Chimera was installed. Right click on 'Chimera', then select 'Show Package Contents'. Navigate to 'Contents', then 'Resources', then 'share' folder. Drag the unzipped 'Segger' folder to the 'share' folder. (Choose 'Replace' if there is an older one there already).
  3. On Windows or Linux, simply navigate to Chimera/share and drag the unzipped Segger folder there.
  4. Restart Chimera.

Mode 2, by script:

  1. Download and install Chimera, if you haven't already.
  • Run it once before installing the plugin; on some platforms, e.g. MacOS, you may see a warning message on first run which you have to accept. This may prevent further issues after adding the plugin.
  • On Windows, install to your home folder rather than to "Program Files". In the latter, the OS may not allow further modifications at a user level, i.e. adding this plugin.
  1. Download latest version of Segger.
  2. In a terminal, navigate to where the file was downloaded, unzip it, then run the install script, e.g.:
  • cd ~/Downloads
  • unzip (replace # with the version downloaded).
  • cd Segger
  • python ~/Desktop/
  • (in the above, replace ~/Desktop/ with the folder where Chimera was installed)
  1. Note that on Windows, python may not be already installed; you may however use the python bundled with Chimera itself, e.g.:
  • cd Downloads\Segger_2_4
  • "C:\Users\greg\Chimera 1.14\bin\python.exe" "C:\Users\greg\Chimera 1.14"
  • (in the above, replace "C:\Users\greg\Chimera 1.14" with the directory where Chimera was installed)

To run:

  1. Restart Chimera
  2. Tp start Segger: Tools -> Volume Data -> Segger
  3. See [more details and tutorials] (
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