A more simple and comfortable UI layout for Vivaldi browser.
- Home Button
- Back Button
- Forward Button
- Address Bar
- Reload Button
- Search Bar
- Extensions Wrapper
- Home button
- Bigger Back and Forward buttons
- Bookmarks button
If you are in Linux, you can clone this repo and run vivaldiPatcher-Linux.sh
Go to Vivaldi installation folder
- Linux: /opt/vivaldi/resources/vivaldi
- macOS: /Applications/Vivaldi.app/Contents/Versions/VERSION/Vivaldi/Framework.framework/Versions/A/Resources/vivaldi
- Windows:
- User app: C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Vivaldi\Application\VERSION\resources
- System app: C:\Program Files\Vivaldi\Application\VERSION\resources
Copy custom.css inside style subfolder and custom.js into the root installation folder. Make a backup of browser.html and then edit it.
- Inside the head element add
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style/custom.css" />
- Inside the body element add
<script src="custom.js"></script>
- Save the file and you are done!
If you want to uninstall the changes done by this program you can run
./vivaldiPatcher-Linux.sh -u
./vivaldiPatcher-Linux.sh --unpatch
Get script usage information by running
./vivaldiPatcher-Linux.sh -h
./vivaldiPatcher-Linux.sh --help