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gregorylburgess edited this page May 8, 2013 · 4 revisions

##Overview: The overall concept of the game is only slightly changed from the previous proposal: Users are tasked with providing a small city with a set [NRG goal] each [ROUND]. This goal will increase as time goes on, and be more difficult to achieve each [ROUND]. Players must consider how their energy demands affect their environment, represented by [ENV points]. Players must also consider how satisfied consumers are with their ability to provide a steady source of energy represented by [USER points]. A user who does not meet the [NRG goal] during a [ROUND], loses a [USER point].

####Win Condition: The first player to have [30 NRG points] wins.

####Loss Conditions: A player whose [USER points] fall below 1 at any time loses. A player whose [ENV points] fall below 1 at any time loses.

####Card/Point Descriptions: #####[NRG goal] Tracks the amount of energy you have successfully supplied to customers. Since this value is always increasing, falling behind in production is dangerous.

#####[USER points] Represents customer satisfaction with your ability to produce a steady supply of energy. If this value falls below 1 at any point, you lose.

#####[ENV points] Represents the Environmental impact (pollution) of your energy-generation. If this value falls below 1 at any point, you lose.

#####[NRG points] Tracks the amount of energy you have successfully supplied to customers.

#####[$] Used to bid on [E_GEN cards].

#####[TACTICAL cards] – Cards that can affect an opponent’s or your attempt to activate an [E_GEN card]. Miscellaneous effects. Can be played anytime during the Generation Phase.

#####[E_GEN cards] – Represents a service that can affect [USER points], [ENV points], [NRG points], and/or [$]. Generally these cards produce [NRG points] at the cost of other points.

######[SUCCESS value] – The minimum roll required to successfully activate an [E_GEN card] ######[SUCCESS rules] – Rules to follow upon the successful activation of an [E_GEN card] ######[FAILURE rules] – Rules to follow upon the unsuccessful activation of an [E_GEN card]

#####[SERVICE cards] – A special type of [E_GEN card] that consumes [NRG points] in order to raise other point values. Must be activated just like an [E_GEN card]. Can be played from the hand during the Installation Phase.

###Initial Setup: Each player starts off with the following: 1 [Peaker_Plant] game card [$5] 10 [USER points] 10 [ENV points] 5 [TACTICAL cards]

###Round Structure: ####Upkeep Phase: All players draw cards so that they have exactly 5 [TACTICAL cards] in their hand. Shuffle and reveal one card from the [E_GEN deck] for each player in the game.

####Bidding Phase: Users secretly bid [$] on each revealed card from the [E_GEN deck]. The phase ends once all users have concluded bidding.

####Reveal Phase: Reveal all bids at once. The player who bid the most on each card places it in their [WON E_GEN cards] area. If no one bid on the card, It remains on the table. In the event of a tie, the player with the least [NRG points] wins the card. If there still exists a tie, the player with the least [E_GEN cards] wins the card. If there still exists a tie, randomly decide who wins the card. Players who won bids lose [$] equal to their bid on the won [E_GEN card]

####Installation Phase: Users may play [SERVICE] cards from their hands. [SERVICE] cards are considered [E_GEN cards], and go in the [WON E_GEN cards] area.

####Generation Phase: Players take turns executing their Generation Phase, starting with the player who has the lowest number of [NRG points], then the player with the second lowest, and so on.

For each [E_GEN card] a player controls, he/she may choose to activate it. To activate an [E_GEN card]: A player declares that he/she is activating the card. A player plays any [TACTICAL cards] from his/her hand. Any other players may play [TACTICAL cards] from their hands. A player rolls 2 [D6] and compares the result plus any modifications from [TACTICAL cards] to the success value on the activated [E_GEN card].

If the value of the roll plus the modifiers is less than the [SUCCESS value], the player fails in activating the [E_GEN card, and follows any [FAILURE rules] on the card.

If the value of the roll plus the modifiers is greater than or equal to the [SUCCESS value] on the [E_GEN card], the player is successful in activating the [E_GEN card]. The user follows any [SUCCESS rules] on the card, and then applies all status modifiers to their point totals ([NRG points], [ENV points], [USER points], [$])

A player may attempt to activate each [E_GEN card] he/she controls once per round.

####Reconciliation Phase: Users compare their [NRG points] to the [NRG GOAL] for the round. A player who has fewer [NRG points] than the [NRG GOAL] looses 1 [USER point]. This reflects a player who has not succeeded in providing their city with enough power, and looses the confidence of their customers.

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