Simple pin code textfield for iOS and tvOS. Customizable via Interface Builder or code.
via CocoaPods
pod "SGCodeTextField"
via SwiftPackageManager
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "0.1.4"))
- count
- placeholder
- autocapitalization
- font
- digitCornerRadius
- digitBackgroundColor
- digitBackgroundColorFocused
- digitBackgroundColorEmpty
- digitBorderColor
- digitBorderColorFocused
- digitBorderColorEmpty
- digitBorderWidth
- digitSpacing
- textColor
- textColorFocused
- placeholderColor
- keyboardType
- isSecureTextEntry
- secureTextEntryMaskCharacter
Customizing via code:
self.codeTextField.count = 4
self.codeTextField.placeholder = "*"
self.codeTextField.textColorFocused = UIColor.brown
Interface Builder
Drag and drop a 'UIView' on to the desired view and change class to 'SGCodeTextField'.
let codeTextField = SGCodeTextField()
Getting text:
import SGCodeTextField
let value = self.codeTextField.text
Setting text:
self.codeTextField.text = "1234"
Observing text change events:
self.codeTextField.textChangeHandler = { text, completed in
self.doneButton.isSelected = completed
print(text ?? "")