Chatbot dialog conversation builder and marketplace
Just put a day into the this project. Idea to see if there is any interest in a dialog agnostic platform. A platform that can be maintained as a microservice next to any of the AI platforms. If their is interst i will put in effort to create this repro.
- Seperate the Dialog elements from any of the AI platforms
- Create a marketplace for dialogs, So you can add intelligence dialogs to your own bot in seconds without any effort of creating intents, entities and awnsers. Public bots you can integrate into yours bot. Wiki / Github open bots.
- Easy to use GUI / UI intuative. Only add code when GUI does not provivde interest
- webhooks for custom data intergration
- ApolloData (graphQL API for client)
- NodeJS (server)
- React (client)
- Redux (state management)
- BotKit (bot integration)
- MongoDB (save logic, context etc)
- Express API
Itegrate with: Chat(iframe) > Graphql subscription based > BOT Iframe to run on any page > > no dialog management available > no dialog management available Dialogflow > hard create a good overview of the Intents Watson > good Dialog creation but locked to Watson
Who: Anyone how is interested to contribute, lets have chat