The basic idea of the project is to show the temperature of a place using weather API.
In Addition to it we provided you a link of the webpage to now the geographical location of the place.The Web page uses google maps API.
With this project you can explore different parts of the world and study their temperatures and geographical location.
At first you open the temperatue.html file.
Type the place name you want to find.
Now press the find button.
Now it will show you the temperature of the place.
If you want to see the map of the place.
Refresh the page now you see a link called "For map of a city",click it.
Now it will take you to another webpage called map.html.
There you come across a search box type the place you want to find.
It will display you the map of place.
To find another place refresh the page and reapeat the same cake walk steps.