Live at:
The BACKEND repo is here
With Aim App you will improve your FPS(First Person Shooter) games skills (Counter Strike, Valorant, Call of Duty, etc...)
This project is a fullstack React (TypeScript) - Flask (Python) application with a SQL (Postgres) database.
- Users need to register and then can play 2 games: reaction time and aiming.
- Users will get an average score after playing 3 times for each game and this will be saved.
- Users can customize their web app with their favorite color theme.
- Users can watch a positions table with all ranked players based on their scores (for each game).
My thought process started with:
Backend, I used Flask (Python). I used werkzeug library for password hash generation and flask_jwt_extended for token related matters, flask route decorators to handle the get and post HTTP requests for the diferent api routes.
For Databases I used sqlite3 in local, but for production I have to migrate to PosgreSql, for being a more reliable and robust option. Since both are relational Database Management Systems the migration was not that complicated.
Then for the Frontend part I picked the React library (for building the user interface) with TypeScript (for static typing) and Vite , Along with that I used React router for handling client side routing, adapters to connect back and front with models for data, custom hooks for forms, Sass for styling, semantic HTML and BEM Nomenclature.
The Aim App is pretty straightforward, but if you want to watch how it works you can find this video demo
The project is currently live (to 12/09/23) you can find it here
But if you want to wan it local, these instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running.
Having installed:
Configure their environment variables in PATH
An IDE (eg. Visual Studio Code)
Git clone the repo with: HTTPS
SSH [email protected]:gsvidal/aim-app-finalproject.git
Activate virtual environment for backend in:
python -m venv .venv
after that go to root directory
run pip install requirements.txt
to install all the libraries used in the project.
In: # Configure CS50 Library to use PostgreSQL database: Replace db = SQL(f"postgresql://{db_username}:{db_password}@{db_host}/{db_name}") with your database data You have to have installed postgres
In the same directory run flask run --reload
to start the development sever (similar to http://localhost:5000/)
cd ./frontend
run npm install
run npm run dev
to start the development server (similar to http://localhost:5173/aim-app/)
Change VITE_API_URL value to your backend development server url (after you flask run --reload it above)
At (As a web service)
At (As a web PostgreSql DB)
At (As a github page: gh-pages)
- @gsvidal - 3D (Design, Development and Deployment).