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Andrew Howe-Ely edited this page Dec 4, 2023 · 18 revisions

Add a new product type

First refer to wiki/Product-Types for an understanding of the 'Product Types' concept in manage-frontend.

You should see from manage-frontend/pull/436 that adding a new product type is very straight forward, and all the views/routes should appear automatically when you add the necessary metadata to /app/shared/productTypes.tsx.

Changing the display name of a product

First refer to wiki/Product-Types for an understanding of the 'Product Types' concept in manage-frontend.

It should be as simple as updating properties like friendlyName, productTitle, shortFriendlyName etc. in /app/shared/productTypes.tsx. You may need to change urlPart and legacyUrlPart too, depending on how far reaching you need the name change to be.

Upgrading Node

  1. Increase the version in .nvmrc (which is relied on locally [assuming you run nvm use] AND in the build-tc script used in TeamCity CI).
  2. Adjust the @types/node devDependency to the same (and you probably want to bump @types/node-fetch devDependency and node-fetch dependency).
  3. Change the AMIGO Recipe in riff-raff.yaml.

Adding a known issue banner to the help centre

The help centre known issues banner is currently driven off a variable in the client/components/helpCentre/HelpCenterPage.tsx component. Leave the const as a blank array if there are no issues to report on or follow the KnownIssue interface or the example comment for an example of the shape of a known issue object and how to add one.

NOTE: The known issues banner used to be driven off of a json file stored in s3. The main reason for this was the hope that it could be driven off of a CMS system much like the core content of the help centre. This work hasn't been done as of writing this documentation (15th December 2022) but would be a nice feature to add, allowing a non developer to create, edit and delete the content. With this in mind we decided to move the known issues into the client codebase where it can be easily typed and documented but have left the s3 loading functionality in the codebase commented out in the following locations:

  • client/components/helpCentre/KnownIssues.tsx
  • server/routes/api.ts (the '/known-issues' route)
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