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gulliversoft edited this page Jul 31, 2017 · 1 revision

. If you’re using NodeJS to build a program for an IoT device like the SIMATIC IOT2040, then chances are you have, or will, run into a case where there is not a driver for the peripheral device that you’re trying to use. By doing the IOT chalenge, I ran into this very scenario a couple of months ago on a project where we were trying to use the Adafruit PN532 for a prototyped NFC/RFID technology. There is a C++ driver for it, but it looked like it would be a challenge to get it running with the JavaScript interface we were already writing, so as a learning experience, I decided to rewrite the driver in JavaScript, leveraging the MRAA library for JavaScript. In this GitHub project, I will go through the MRAA interface for JavaScript and share the best practices I’ve learned from my experience. I will primarily be referencing the Intel Galileo / SIMATIC IOT 2040 board during this post, but MRAA supports other platforms like Raspberry Pi and Beaglebone Black. A full list of boards is here

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