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ECE 285 UCSD - Spring '19 - Final project

Graduate Descent - Box Architecture Nets(BANs)

In this project we have implemented Single-Shot Detector(SSD) for multi-object detection.

New York City Walking Tour Videostream (Input)

Video stream that was used as input for detection

Clean Videostream after Detection

Noisy Videostream after Detection

Denoised Videostream after Detection

Single Shot Detector

A PyTorch implementation of the SSD Multibox Detector for image feature extraction, based on the 2016 Arxiv paper by Wei Liu, Dragomir Anguelov, Dumitru Erhan, Christian Szegedy, Scott Reed, Cheng-Yang, and Alexander C.

Table of contents


To install Python dependencies and modules, use
pip install -r requirements.txt

To get the pretrained weights ready for use, run tar -zxvf ssd_pretrained.pth.tar.gz and tar -zxvf vgg16_reducedfc.pth.tar.gz inside the weights/ folder.


2012 version of Pascal VOC dataset - well known dataset for object detection/classification/segmentation. Contains 100k images for training and validation containing bounding boxes with 20 categories of objects.


Run SSD_Demo.ipynb notebook to run Single-Shot Detection on a random image from the PascalVOC2012 dataset.


Run SSD_train.ipynb notebook to train the SSD model on the PascalVOC2012 dataset.


Run SSD_Eval.ipynb notebook to evaluate the SSD model on the PascalVOC2012 validation set.

Run SSD_Eval_Testset.ipynb notebook to evaluate the SSD model on the PascalVOC2007 test set. (Download the PascalVOC2007 test set using wget and run tar -xvf VOCtest_06-Nov-2007.tar in the root directory of the repository.


On UCSD Data Science and Machine Learning Cluster:

Category Clean Image (mAP) Noisy Image (mAP) Denoised Image (mAP)
Training 88.19% 52.73% 73.78%
Evaluation 77.43% 46.47% 61.84%


  • Training & Optimization Experiments (Plots for all these experiments can be found inside optimization_experiments/ folder)
    • SSD_train.ipynb - Runs the training using SGD Optimizer.
    • SSD_train_Adam.ipynb - Runs the training using Adam Optimizer.
    • SSD_train_RMSProp.ipynb - Runs the training using RMSProp Optimizer.
    • SSD_train_LearningRate.ipynb - Runs the training using a range of learning rates. Used for hyperparameter tuning.
    • SSD_train_Momentum.ipynb - Runs the training using a range of momentum values. Used for hyperparameter tuning.
  • Denoising Experiments (Uses DUDnCNN trained net for denoising -
    • SSD_Denoising.ipynb - Runs detection on Clean, Noisy, and Denoised versions of a random image from the PascalVOC2012 dataset.
    • SSD_Denoise_Eval.ipynb - Runs the evaluation of the the denoised images of the validation set of PascalVOC2012.
    • SSD_Denoise_Eval_Testset.ipynb - Runs the evaluation of the denoised images of the test set of PascalVOC2007.
    • SSD_Noisy_Eval.ipynb - Runs the evaluation of the the noisy images of the validation set of PascalVOC2012.
    • SSD_Noisy_Eval_Testset.ipynb - Runs the evaluation of the noisy images of the test set of PascalVOC2007.
    • SSD_Denoise_Experiments.ipynb - A superset of "SSD_Denoising.ipynb" that runs detection of Clean, Noisy, and Denoised versions of a random image from PascalVOC2012 dataset, while providing options for changing the characteristics of the noise added. The characteristics include Mean, Standard Deviation, and Magnitude.
  • Video Experiments (inside video_experiments)
    • SSD_VIDEO.ipynb - Uses the pretrained SSD model on locally saved frames of a video stream. Detects Clean images.
    • SSD_VIDEO_NOISY.ipynb - Uses the pretrained SSD model on locally saved frames of a video stream. Detects Noisy images.
    • SSD_VIDEO_DENOISED.ipynb - Uses the pretrained SSD model on locally saved frames of a video stream. Detects Denoised images.

Directory structure

  • pycache/ - .pyc files for Python interpreter to compile the source to
  • data/ -
    • pycache/ - .pyc files for Python interpreter to compile the source to
    • - contains instances:
      • function detection_collate - stack images in 0th dimension and list of tensors with annotations for image and return in tuple format, given tuple of tensor images and list of annotations
      • function base_transform - resize and mean-normalize image
      • class BaseTransform - call base_transform(image) iteratively
    • - configures VOC dataset with source directory, mean values, color ranges and SSD parameters
    • - configures VOC dataset with labels considered, and contains instances:
      • class VOCAnnotationTransform - store dictionaries of classname:index mappings, with an option to discard difficult instances
      • class VOCDetection - update and store annotation based on input image, with functions to get item, pull item, image, annotation and tensor
  • demos/ - demo gifs to show performance of SSD on noisy, clean and denoised video streams (source files for the .gifs shown above)
  • *_experiments/ - experiments folders for denoising, optimization and video performance evaluation
    • .ipynb_checkpoints/ - checkpoints folder for modular running of python notebooks
    • *.ipynb - jupyter notebooks to visualize descent of loss, other evaluation metrics
    • *.jpeg - plots of loss functions in different scenarios
    • pickles/ - pickle files for easy storing of data during cross validation (different learning rates, momentums etc.)
    • pycache/ - .pyc files for Python interpreter to compile the source to
    • NOISE_PARAMS.pkl - Pickle file for noise parameters
    • - class script for base classes to implement neural nets, evaluate performance, specify metrics etc.
  • devkit_path / -
    • annotations_cache/ -
      • annots.pkl - Pickle file for annotations
    • results/ - result files for each class
  • eval/ -
    • test1.txt - ground truth bbox vales and predictions for a selected portion of VOC dataset
    • test1_Denoise.txt - ground truth bbox vales and predictions for a selected portion of the VOC dataset AFTER noising and denoising
  • layers/ -
    • pycache/ - .pyc files for Python interpreter to compile the source to
    • functions/ -
      • pycache/ - .pyc files for Python interpreter to compile the source to
      • - import all files in pwd
      • - contains instances:
        • class Detect - enable decoding of location predictions of bboxes and apply NMS based on confidence values and threshold; restrict to tok_k output predictions to reduce noise in results quality (not actual image noise)
          • function init - allocate memory and initialize
          • function forward - forward propagation to update layers given input location prediction, confidence and prior data from their respective layers
      • - contains instances:
        • class PriorBox - collate and store priorbox coordinates in center-offset form and tie it to each source feature map
          • function init - allocate memory and initialize
          • forward - forward propagation through priorbox layers
    • modules/ -
      • pycache/ - .pyc files for Python interpreter to compile the source to
      • - import all files in pwd
      • - contains instances:
        • class L2Norm - calculate L2 norm and normalize
          • function init - allocate memory and initialize
          • forward - compute the norm and return
      • - contains instances:
        • class MultiBoxLoss - compute targets for confidence and localization and apply HNM; using a loss function that is weighted between the cross entropy loss and a smooth L1 loss (weights were found during cross validation)
          • function init - allocate memory and initialize
          • function forward - forward propagate through multibox layers, given tuple of location and confidence predictions, prior box values and ground truth boxes and labels in tensor format
    • - import all files in pwd
    • - contains instances:
      • function point_form - convert prior box values from center-size format for easy comparison to point form ground truth data
      • function center_size - convert prior box values to center-size format for easy comparison to center-size ground truth data
      • function intersect - compute area of intersection between two given boxes
      • function jaccard - compute jaccard overlap or intersection over union of two boxes
      • function match - match prior box with ground truth box (for all boxes) based on highest jaccard overlap, encode in required format (point-form or center-size), and return matching indices for the given confidence and location predictions
      • function encode - encode variances from prior box layers into ground truth boxes
      • function decode - decode locations from priors and locations and return bbox predictions
      • function log_sum_exp - compute log of sum of exponent of difference between current tensor and maximum value of tensor, for unaveraged confidence loss
      • function nms - compute non-maximum suppression to avoid too many overlapping bboxes that highlight nearly the same area
  • out/ - output pickle files organized by the 20 VOC classes
  • train_eval_test_notebooks/ - training and evaluation notebooks for loss fn visualization
  • utils/ -
    • pycache/ - .pyc files for Python interpreter to compile the source to
    • - import all in pwd
    • - contains instances:
      • function intersect - return intersection of two given bounding boxes
      • function jaccard_numpy - return IoU or jaccard overlap of two given bounding boxes
      • class Compose - definitions of different transforms to perform
      • class Lambda - applies a lambda as a transform
      • class ConvertFromInts - convert object from integers
      • class SubtractMeans - subtract mean of image from passed image for normalization
      • class ToAbsoluteCoords - convert lengths (widths, heights) to absolute coordinates
      • class ToPercentCoords - convert coordinates to percentage values of image height and width
      • class Resize - resize image
      • class RandomSaturation - randomly saturate an image
      • class RandomHue - add a random hue to an image
      • class RandomLightingNoise - add random lighting noise to an image
      • class ConvertColor - convert colorspace from BGR to HSV or vice versa
      • class RandomContrast - add random contrast to an image
      • class RandomBrightness - add random brightness to an image
      • class ToCV2Image - shift image to CPU
      • class ToTensor - shift image to GPU
      • class RandomSampleCrop - randomly crop an image and return cropped image, adjusted bounding boxes and new class labels
      • class Expand - expand an image through zero padding and mean-filling, and return along with adjusted bounding boxes and new class labels
      • class RandomMirror - randomly choose to mirror an image
      • class SwapChannels - Transform image by swapping channels in the specified order
      • class PhotometricDistort - apply random brightness and lighting noise, and randomly distort images
      • class SSDAugmentation - itemize all the above transformation functions on every image iteratively
  • weights/ - *.pth files containing pretrained weights of SSD for the VOC 2012 dataset
  • requirements.txt - package and module requirements for running the project
  • - Contains default variables, parameters, and paths to run experiments.
  • - Trained DUDnCNN net for image denoising.


Apart from links above for SSD Arxiv paper and VOC dataset documentation, we referred to:

A project by -

  • Raghav Subramanian
  • Karthikeyan Sugumaran
  • Rohit Gupta
  • Imtiaz Ameerudeen