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Releases: gurrenm3/BTD-Mod-Helper


29 May 03:23
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  • Initial fixes for BTD6 v43.0

Notes for Modders

  • For any place where you previously used InGame.instance.UnityToSimulation, just switch it now to either InGame.instance.bridge or InGame.Bridge or InGame.instance.GetUnityToSimulation()


14 Apr 23:22
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  • Fixed a bug preventing modded heroes from reaching level 20


11 Apr 17:22
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  • Fixed a patch for BTD6 v42.1


08 Apr 05:12
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  • Fixes for BTD6 v42.0

This Mod Helper update will not be able to be made via the in game Mod Browser.

Note for Modders

A large number of mods will need to be updated for this patch, as the namespace
for SpriteReference, PrefabReference, and AudioSourceReference has been changed from Il2CppAssets.Scripts.Utils
to Il2CppNinjaKiwi.Common.ResourceUtils.


07 Feb 02:31
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  • Fixes for BTD6 v41.0
  • Updated VanillaSprites and UpgradeTypes for v41.0
  • Fixed hints for custom round sets
  • Fixed some more crashes for Linux / Wine / Proton users


05 Dec 23:40
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  • Preliminary fixes for v40.0 (thanks @KosmicShovel!)
  • Updates for v40.0 UpgradeTypes, VanillaSprites, etc
  • The TopPathUpgrades, MiddlePathUpgrades and BottomPathUpgrades properties no longer need to be manually specified for ModTowers, they will be inferred
    • Same goes for MaxLevel in ModHero
  • Added a Model.RemoveBehaviors() extension (no type argument) that simply clears all behaviors
  • Fixed a possible visual error with ModSettingFile and ModSettingFolder
  • Let a number of api methods use params arguments
  • Added GetBloonDisplay method to ModDisplay.cs (thanks @DarkTerraYT!)


10 Oct 04:05
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  • Fixes for v39
    • Due to the new Community Button, the Round Set Changer button now only appears while selecting the difficulty/mode for a map
    • Fixed ModHero font name material reference
    • Fixed JSON settings
  • Added setting to toggle Mod Browser Populating on Startup
    • From my personal testing, this leads to ~1s faster startup on average, in exchange for waiting 5s - 10s when you
      first open the browser
  • Added Instances and Lists classes for modders that have getters for commonly used BTD6 singleton classes and game objects
    • eg InGame.instance.coopGame.Cast<Btd6CoopGameNetworked>().Connection.Connection.NKGI can instead be Instances.NKGI
    • Also gets added as a component to a Game Object at the root of a global scene, so you can easily access fields from the default Unity Explorer window


02 Sep 05:30
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  • Added AbilityHelper class
  • Reverted a previous change that was leading to a selling / rebuying 5th tiers issue


20 Aug 16:24
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  • Now natively works on Epic Games version, and prompts user to download the compatability plugin to make other mods work if they don't have it
  • Added ModHelperData bool Plugin field for mods that are MelonPlugins
  • Fixed SteamWebView usage on the Epic Games version
  • Fixed a crash that could happen on Linux (thanks @GrahamKracker)
  • Fixed more crashes from TowerInventory / subtower interactions (thanks @Onixiya)
  • Added AttackHelper, WeaponHelper and ProjectileHelper that can be used to less painfully create those models
    from scratch
    • The classes will implicitly convert themselves to their respective models
    • Make use of the object initialization syntax; don't need to specify every single field, will use sensible defaults


26 Jul 23:28
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  • Fixes for BTD6 v38