A basic simulation of balls bouncing around in a circle that make sounds everytime they bounce off the wall.
You can also click and drag on the canvas to insert a new ball with a given velocity.
The color of a ball changes to the color of the note it hits, which is the color representation of the frequency of said note.
For custom scales, use values from -6 to 17 were 0 is C#.
You can save and load the state of the simulation using the save/load state buttons (use the state input to give the state a unique name).
The piano samples were taken from http://theremin.music.uiowa.edu/MISpiano.html
See it in action at: http://gurs1kh.github.io/bouncing-sounds2/ (note: due to current implementation, the sounds may be delayed. It is recommended that you download the project and run it locally)