This is a highly optimized and responsive ecommerce site built with React, Next.js, and Tailwind CSS. The application fetches product data dynamically and features a comprehensive cart and wishlist system, intelligent product search, smooth animations for a visually appealing UI, filtering options on the product search screen, multiple product photos on the product detail page, related products, and a best-seller filter. The project maintains a clean code structure and well-organized file system.
- Highly Optimized Performance: The application is designed to work efficiently on all systems, ensuring quick load times and smooth user experiences.
- Responsive Design: The site is fully responsive, providing a seamless experience across all device sizes, from mobile phones to desktop computers.
- Cart and Wishlist System: Users can easily add products to their cart or wishlist, with functionality to view and manage these lists.
- State Management with React Context API: The application leverages the React Context API for efficient and scalable state management. This allows for easy data sharing across components without the need for prop drilling, enhancing the maintainability and scalability of the codebase.
- Intelligent Product Search: The search system is optimized to provide accurate and fast search results, helping users find products quickly and easily.
- Smooth Animations: The site features smooth animations that enhance the user interface, making it more visually appealing.
- Product Filtering: The product search screen includes various filtering options, allowing users to narrow down their search based on different criteria.
- Product Detail Page: Displays multiple photos of the product and allows users to view them interactively. Related products are also shown to enhance the shopping experience.
- Best Seller Filter: Highlights top-selling products, making it easy for users to find popular items.
- Clean Code and File Structure: The project follows best practices for coding and file organization, making it easy to maintain and extend.
App preview
- React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- Next.js: A React framework for server-side rendering and generating static websites.
- Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom user interfaces.
- Framer Motion: Using smooth animations for a better UI and alert system.