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pigpio methods

pigpio.getInfo(cb) Returns useful information about rpi hardware and pigpiod.

pigpio.getCurrentTick(cb) Return current timer tick in microseconds. gpioTick

pigpio.readBank1(cb) Returns levels of GPIO bits 31-0. gpioRead_Bits_0_31

pigpio.end(cb) Ends socket communications. Callback is invoked on 'disconnected' event.

pigpio.destroy() DEPRECATED. Invokes socket.destroy() on both network sockets.

pigpio.connect() Re-establishes communication with server after being disconnected.

gpio basic methods

gpio.modeSet(mode, cb) Sets the gpio mode to be input or output. The mode argument must be string with a value of 'input', 'in', 'output' or 'out'. The optional callback is invoked with either null argument on success or error on failure.

gpio.modeGet(cb) Returns the mode of gpio as argument to callback. gpioGetMode

gpio.pullUpDown(pud, cb) pud=2: set pullup resistor, pud=1: set pulldown resistor, pud=0: clear resistor setting.gpioSetPullUpDown Returns the gpio pin level as argument to callback.

gpio.write(level, cb) Sets the gpio output level to on (1) or off (0). If PWM or servo pulses are active on the gpio they are switched off. gpioWrite

gpio.analogWrite(dutyCycle, cb) Set the PWM dutycycle (0-255) on the gpio. Caution: This will stop all waveform generation. gpioPWM.

gpio.hardwarePWM(frequency, dutyCycle, callback) Set the hardware PWM dutycycle (0-1000000) on the gpio. Only works with pins that support hardware PWM (12,13,18,19); max two channels available. PWM frequency is also specified - not likely to work above 30MHz though. Caution: This will stop all waveform generation. gpioHardwarePWM.

gpio.setServoPulsewidth(pulseWidth, cb) Starts servo pulses on gpio. Pulsewidth can be set to 0 (off) and from 500 (most anti-clockwise) to 2500 (most clockwise). Be aware that you can damage your servo when setting a too high pulseWidth. A value of 1500 (mid-point) is a good starting point to check range of your servo. gpioServo

gpio.getServoPulsewidth(cb) Returns the pulsewidth of gpio as argument to callback. gpioGetServoPulsewidth

gpio waveform methods

gpio.waveClear(cb) Clear all waveforms (release DMA control blocks, reset wave IDs). gpioWaveClear

gpio.waveCreate(cb) Returns the wave id of waveform created from previous calls to waveAddPulse or waveAddSerial. gpioWaveCreate

gpio.waveBusy(cb) Returns 1 if wave is still transmitting, otherwise 0. gpioWaveTxBusy

gpio.waveNotBusy(interval, callback) Invokes callback when waveform ends. Polls waveform status at interval msec. Defaults to 25msec.

gpio.waveAddPulse([Pulse_t], cb) Add array of Pulse_t to gpio of current waveform. Pulse_t is a tuple [1, 0, delay] for positive pulse, [0, 1, delay] for negative pulse width = delay. gpioWaveAddGeneric.

gpio.waveChainTx([{loop:x}, {waves: [wids]}, {delay:y}, {repeat:z}], cb) gpioWaveChain
Transmit a chain of waves represented by array of wave IDs [wids]. The chain can have loops, be separated by delays and repeated by inclusion of option objects.

  • loop : x, begins a loop. x can be anything
  • delay: y, insert of delay of y=0 to 65535 microseconds
  • repeat: z, repeat loop z=0 to 65535 times or forever if z=true

gpio.waveSendSync(wid, cb) Synchronizes wid to the currently active waveform. gpioWaveTxSend with mode set to PI_WAVE_MODE_ONE_SHOT_SYNC.

gpio.waveSendOnce(wid, cb) Send the wave id, wid, one time. gpioWaveTxSend with mode set to PI_WAVE_MODE_ONE_SHOT.

gpio.waveTxAt(cb) Return currently active wave id, no wave being transmitted (9999) or wave not found (9998). gpioWaveTxAt

gpio.waveTxStop(cb) Aborts the transmission of the current waveform. This function is intended to stop a waveform started in repeat mode. waveTxStop

gpio.waveDelete(wid, cb) Delete the wave id wid. gpioWaveDelete

Note: waveClear, waveCreate and waveBusy are not gpio specific. These methods are made available to the gpio object for convenience and as a reminder that only a single waveform can be active.
Note: waveBusy and waveNotBusy return status are global indication of waveform state - not specific to gpio!

gpio notification methods

gpio.notify(callback) Registers the notification function callback. callback is invoked whenever the gpio state changes. Arguments to callback are level and tick where tick represents the system's time since boot.

gpio.endNotify(cb) Unregisters the notification on gpio. For convenience, a null tick value is sent - useful for stream objects that wrap the notifier callback.

gpio.glitchSet(steady, cb) Sets a glitch filter (0-300000) on gpio in microseconds. Only effects notifications. gpioGlitchFilter

gpio.glitchSet(steady, cb) Sets a glitch filter (0-300000) on gpio in microseconds. Only effects notifications. gpioGlitchFilter

gpio bit_bang_serial methods

gpio.serialReadOpen(baudRate, dataBits, cb) - gpioSerialReadOpen

gpio.serialRead(count, cb) Returns cb(null, length, buf). buf is Uint8Array of length length. gpioSerialRead

gpio.serialReadClose(cb) gpioSerialReadClose

gpio.serialReadInvert(mode, cb) Mode is 'invert' || 'normal'. gpioSerialReadInvert

waveAddSerial(baud,bits,delay,data,cb) - gpioWaveAddSerial

serialport methods

Experimental, these APIs may change in the future.,databits,cb) Argument baudRate must be a number from 50 to 250000. Argument dataBits must be a number from 1 to 32. If the rx gpio is already open for bit-bang serial read the method will close the gpio and then re-open it., cb) size is an optional argument representing the number of bytes to read. If not specified, all the data in pigpio's cyclic buffer is returned (up to 8192 bytes). Returns cb(null, data) where data is a utf8 string. If the serialport is not open, returns cb(null).

serialport.write(data) data is utf8 string or Uint8Buffer. The data is buffered then sent out in chunk sizes that fit the available waveform resources. Returns the number of bytes remaining in the buffer. If the serialport is not open, returns -1. Any pigpio errors occurring during write will be thrown to limit the possibility of data corruption.

serialport.close(cb) Close serialport.

serialport.end(cb) Closes rx gpio for bb_serial_read and changes gpios tx and dtr mode to input.